Chapter 12

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Simone pov

~~~~~~~~~~~~~On Monday ~~~~~~~~~~~

I was still in some shock, but I knew that it would pass. But I was still curious in why her dad was like ready to eat me. I guess that it's just a vampire thing.

I walk into class and I only saw Nathan and the group of A-listers. They think that they are big shots and that they can go around the rule the school. But there is only one person that doesn't act like that in their group and that's Ryan.

Ryan is a major hottie and all the girls are all over him like he is a pair of shoes. But he acts completely different from the group. He is sweet, kind, smart (that's a surprise there), and is very open to everyone. I just hope that Laiyla doesn't fall into that crowd. That would be horrible!

I sit down in my seat, when Nathan walks up. "Hey. How was your weekend?" he said. "It was ok, I went over to Laiyla's and I met her parents. It was fun." "That's good. I also wanted to thank you for babysitting my little sister." he said. "It was no problem, since I was watching my sister and brother anyway." "Well, I wanted to treat you to a movie and dinner." he said. "That sounds like fun. This Saturday?" "Yeah, Ill call you about it later." he said. "Ok, can't wait!"

Laiyla is later to school again (for like the 20th time). She is gonna get a detention sooner or later. "I have to get an alarm clock, since my sister keeps on waking me up late." she said. "Well it really doesn't help you, since she is half cat." "True...very true." she said.

We get dressed for gym (since today we have gym). I was curious to see how she can do in climbing the rope( since she is like a acrobat).

We get in line for the rope. Laiyla is in front of me and Nathan is behind me (and yes, we have the same gym period). Laiyla is climbing the ropes and she is like a pro at this. She doesn't struggle at all. Like she is a feather in the sky. But something shoots her hand and she falls! OMG! I am like flipping out right now. What is gonna happen now? But Ryan came to the rescue and catches her (no wonder that a jock like Ryan would catch her, but he was no where near us). Laiyla is like sucking up all the attention and it is pretty amusing. "That was some fall that she made" he said. "Yeah, she did fall pretty hard, but she is lucky that she got caught." "But it is strange that Ryan showed up out of no where to catch her." he said. "That is strange, but she is lucky."

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