Chapter 6

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Simone pov:

Omg! Laiyla is the princess of Vamp. This day could not be getting weirder and weirder by the second.

"What the fuck!" "How could you be a princess, living in this town. Its in the middle of no where!"

"Yep, it's the perfect spot to go into hiding from the warrior cops." she said. "Warrior cops?" "Yeppers, they are these vampires that were mutated with a lot of armor, flying abilities, super speed and weapons that can kill anything in a split sec." "They are after me and my family because I am the next one in line to become the queen of Vamp but another vampire was practicing black magic and the magic took over her mind and body and now she is trying to take over the kingdom and take the crown, so my family and I went into hiding till the war is over." she said.

I cannot believe any of this. This has to be some kind of dream or something like that. And then I passes out again...

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