Chapter 16

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Laiyla pov

I just got home from walking with Simone and Nathan. I feel better telling him that I was a vampire. I get a presence off of him that Simone has. I think they both have power of some kind, but I am not sure what it is.

I walked into the house, when I got attacked by Kitty. "Why did you attack me?" I said loudly. "Ive been worried about you!" Kitty said. "Did you have to much catnip again?" I said. "Maybe,

maybe not." She said. "I am going upstairs, and don't follow me!" I said. "Okie dokie!" she said.

I get on my computer and typed in Ryan's IM name into the search box. I am scared that he will be on, but I am ready to talk to him.

His name came up as online. I clicked onto his name and started typing:

Vampgrl22: Hey! Its Laiyla from class

Jockvamp34: hey, whats up? How did u get my IM name?

Vampgrl22: Nathan gave it to me. I have a question for you

Jockvamp34: what is it?

Vampgrl22: do u believe in vampires?

Jockvamp34: yea,I do, do u?

Vampgrl22: are u a vampire?

Jockvamp34: how did u find out?

Vampgrl22: u wear a chocker that all vampire wear. I have one too!

Jockvamp34: I knew that u were a vampire from the 1st time I saw u

Vampgrl22: how did u know?

Jockvamp34: u look like a vampire.

Vampgrl22: I should of known. I really want 2 talk 2 u so do u wanna come over?

Jockvamp34: yea, ill be there in a hour

Vampgrl22: ok, see u then!

Jockvamp34: see ya!

I got offline, to wait for him to come over. I am happy that I now know another vampire in my school, but I still think that he is practicing Black Magic. I will find out soon!

I started going through my clothes to see what I should wear. "I have nothing to wear in my closet!" I screamed. I settled on my black mini skirt with fishnets, my spiked belt, blue shirt and my

black gloves. I finished flat ironing my hair and putted on black eyeliner.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs. I opened the door. He looks a lot different....

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