Chapter 22

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Laiyla pov

Ryan and I have been out for quite a while now. I thought that we were just going to the store, but I guess not. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked. "Hold on a second. I'm gonna pick you up

and we are going to go somewhere." He said. The minute after that, he picked me up in his arms and he decided to go and jump on roofs to go faster. It feels like this has happened before. Like we

had to get away so he carried me and he jumped on roofs. I must be imaging things again. Silly me!

We had gone to the water side, where there was a beach and it was in total darkness. "Why are we here?" I asked. "I wanted to talk to you alone, so I brought you here to my house." He

said. I was confused because he said that his house was here. In the darkness, there was a little shack that looked like it was made for two people. "I thought that you live with your aunt." I said.

"I only told you a lie to buy time for me to tell you the truth." He said. I was even more confused. Why would he lie to me? I am very upset and confused right now. "The truth is that I am from

Vamp, but my parents are not alive. They died about 3 years ago. They were killed with Black Magic. That is why I hate it so much and that I moved out here, so I could be away from all of the

problems in Vamp. But I went to Vamp about a year after the accident to see if I could find out anything about the Black Magic, but I ended up empty." He said. "But why are you living by

yourself?" I asked. "My family in Vamp sends me money so I can go to school and stuff like that. I live alone because I think that it is the best way for right now, till I get my memory back." He

said. "I had lost my memory about 5 years too. All I can remember is being in my palace when I was little and then I remember going into hiding in other elms, but that's about it." I said. "I see.

Well I am sorry that I lied to you. I just want to learn more about what happened on that day." He said. "Well I will help you all the way!" I said. "Thanks Laiyla. I am so lucky to find a person like

you. No one could replace you, no matter what!" he said. I had gotten up when he grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. He was very warm, like the sun. He had put his arms around me

for a hug. And when we were hugging, I had a flash back. I felt dizzy and started to fall down, but he caught me. "What's the matter Laiyla?" He asked. "I had a flash back." I said. "Oh what?" he

asked. "It was of a young couple, at a ball. They were hugging. It looked like they were about to exchange glances at each other." I said. "Hold on, ok? I will take you to my place till you are well."

He said. He picked me up and carried me to his place. It was small with a living room, kitchen, bath room and bed room. He laid me on his bed and covered me up with a blanket. He came back in

with some water and a rag. "I am sorry to worry you." I said. "It's ok. You are my princess after all." He said. I had fallen into a deep sleep.

About a couple hours later, I woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon and toast, my favorite! "Good morning sleepy head. Are you feeling ok?" he asked. "I am ok, just hungry." I said. "Well

there is plenty here. Eat up!" He said. After breakfast, we had left to go back to Simone's house. They are probably worried sick about us. Oh well!

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