Chapter 7

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Laiyla pov:

Gosh she passes out a lot! She is worse than a freshman. I decided to lay her on the bed till she wakes up. I guess that I will let her crash here till tomorrow. How am I gonna explain this to my parents? Oh well!

Kitty finally woke up from her nap. She does like to sleep a lot since she is half cat. "Did you have a good nap sis?" "How come I smell a human?" she said. "Well that's because there is a human here silly. Her name is Simone and she knows about me n the family, but I have not mentioned you to her yet. Oh well, she will find out when she wakes up." "I thought we agreed that you were not gonna get close to any humans because they might actually be vampires practicing black magic?" she said. "I know but there is something about her, but I just can't put my finger on it." "Well its your problem, not mine so if you get in any kind of trouble, its not my fault!" she said. "Nothing bad will happen, I promise."

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