Chapter 20

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Simone pov

It was Friday, another day of school. I sat down at my desk. Then, Nathan started to come over to my seat. I wonder what he wants this time? Idk!

"Hey Simone, are you busy after school today?" Nathan said. "No, not today, why? Do you want me to watch your sister again?" I said. "No not this time. I was wondering if you want to hang

out with me after school." He said.

I paused for a second. It sounds like he is asking me out on a date or something. "Yea, that would be cool." I said. "Ok, I'll wait for you outside the building after school." He said. "Okie

Dokie!" I said.

Laiyla walked in with a guy behind her. He was sexy! I wonder who that is! "Guys, this is Troy. He is my best friend from Vamp. We have known each other since we were born." Laiyla said.

"Are you a vampire to?" Nathan asked. "Yea, I am. I came to this town to get away from the war in Vamp. It is too dangerous to be there right now, so I'm staying at Laiyla's house." Troy said.

"That's cool!" Nathan said.

I saw Ryan staring over at us. He looks a bit worried. I wonder if he is ok. I also noticed that Troy has the same chocker as Ryan and Laiyla, but his is a different style. Its like a more evil like

chocker. I guess its normal? Oh well!

"Do you guys want to come to my house?" Laiyla said. "Thanks, but no thanks. Simone and I are going to study after school." Nathan said. "Ok, maybe another time." Laiyla said. "Ok." I said.

We all went back to our seats and we sat down to start the day. I hope that we have a good day!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~After School~~~~~~~~~~~

I got up and started to walk to the front door when Ryan stopped me. "Hey, what's up?" I said. "Who is that guy that is with Laiyla?" Ryan asked. "Oh Troy! He is from her town. They are like

best friends. Why do you ask?" I said. "Just curious, I guess." He said. "But there is one thing, Troy is wearing a different chocker than you and Laiyla. I just ignored it but it might be useful to

you." I said. "Thanks, that tells me a lot. I owe you. How about we hang out tomorrow." He said. "Ok, I will see you then." I said. "See ya!" he said. OMG! I am going to be late. Nathan will kill me!

I got outside and Nathan was waiting for me. I hope that he will forgive me. "What took you so long? I started to get really worried about you." He said. "Sorry about that. I just ran onto Ryan

and we started talking, that's all." I said. "Ok, shall we go now?" He said. "Yea, but where are we going?" I said. "You will see in a couple of minutes. Just be patient." He said. He grabbed my hand

and we started walking. Why is he holding my hand? I feel like we have held hands before. I kinda like it. His hand is so warm and I don't want to let go.

We got to this river that had a rope swing and trees around it. It was so pretty. I never knew that this was back here. "Come over here. I have a picnic for us." He said. I followed him to this

big rock where he had a blanket laid out, a picnic basket full of food, and some towels with bathing suits. "I hope it fits you. I picked it out for you." He said. "Thank you. I didn't know that we were

going swimming." I said. "Well I wanted to surprise you. You deserve it!" He said. I went over and grabbed the bathing suit and went to change. The bathing suit was a bikini that was purple and

white flowers. He knows me so well because my favorite color is purple! I went back over to the rock, where Nathan was standing. He turned around and said "Wow, you look amazing!" "Thanks, I

guess." I said. "Come on, it feels great." He said. He jumped in and then I went in after him. We played around a bit and then we got out so we could eat. Nathan had set out some sandwiches,

soda pop (Orange soda, my favorite!), chips and brownies for desert. "The food is great, did you make it all?" I said. "Yea, I like to cook and bake so I made everything yesterday after school." He

said. It was the sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me! Nathan went back and handed me a red rose that had his necklace around it. He had a black necklace that had a cross on it that he

had worn every day since I have known him. He never took it off! He handed me the rose. "I want you to have this to show that I fallen in love with you." He said.

Did he just say the "L" word? No guy has ever told me that he loved me? I don't know what to do. I always had feelings for him, but I never showed it. I think that I have fallen in love with

him! "Are you ok?" he said. "Yea, it just came so fast." I said. "If you do not have the same feelings for me, I understand." He said. "I have the same feelings for you, actually I have had a crush

on you since the first grade." I said. "Really?" He said. "Yea, but I want to take things slowly, is that ok?" I said. "Yea. Well it is getting late and I should get you home." He said. "Yea, lets go." I


We got to my house and he walked me to the front door. "Well here's your house." He said. "Yea, I guess I'll call you tomorrow." I said. "Yea, good night." He said. "good night." I said. Before I

turned to go inside, Nathan gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "I love you." I walked into the house, still in shock. My sisters Brianna and Brittany were on the couch asleep. I saw and piece of

paper on the table and started to read it. It was from dad. It said "I am sorry but Mom and I had to leave for a meeting in L.A. I am not sure when we will be back but I left the credit and debit card

on the table. Watch the girls again till we get back. Thanks. Dad.

Well it looks like they will not be back for a while.

I went up stairs and took a shower. I can still feel Nathan's kiss on my cheek. It was so warm and his lips were so soft. That had been the first time I have ever been kissed by a boy. I think

that I will invite him over tomorrow. I better get a good nigh rest.

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