Chapter 27

16 1 0

Simone pov

Today was the day of the party. Laiyla was finally 16 and it was the day of celebration. I am happy for her, but I am also skeptical of how the party will go. I got up out of bed and I went to get

my phone. When I looked at it, my phone totally broke. Shit! Oh well, I guess it is time for a new phone. I threw on some shorts and a blue shirt and my flip flops. I got in my car and headed to

the Verizon store. When I got there, I went over to the clerk and asked for the LG Rouge. It was the phone that I have been wanting for a long time. I paid for it and went to Starbucks. When I got

there, I saw Ryan going in. I waved to him and he came over and gave me a hug. He said "Hey, what brings you here?" I laughed and said "My phone broke so I had to get a new one and I wanted

some coffee." We went in and I got a french vanilla cappuccino. Ryan got a vanilla late. We sat down and talked for a bit. We mostly talked about the party and about Laiyla. Ryan looked at my leg

and asked "What happened to your leg. You have been limping on it for quite a bit. Are you okay?" I stared into space for a minute before I answered. I said "I had a dream when I fell asleep in

class. It was about the party. Laiyla got take away by someone, you went after her and Nathan and I fought off some warriors. Then, we killed them off and the chandelier fell on me and pain went

through my leg. I think the pain from the dream transferred into real life. It is strange but it doesn't bother me much." He looked at me and then went back to drinking is coffee. We went out to

our cars and he gave me another hug and told me that he would see me at the party. I went home and I was counting down the hours till the party. The party didn't start till six but Laiyla wanted

me there at five. It was three o'clock now and I have to get ready. I took a shower and blow dried my hair. I took a couple minutes to rest. I did some more of my homework for English and French

class, then I went back to getting ready. I put on my dress and flat-ironed my hair. Then I put on my make-up and my accessories. I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys and my mask, which

was purple. I ran out and drove to her house. When I got there, Laiyla was flipping out. I took her upstairs so I could help her get ready. I did her hair and put on her make-up. She looked amazing!

Tonight will be a long night for sure...

Laiyla pov

I am still flipping out! I don't want anything bad to happen to mess up the party. But luckily, Simone helped me get ready. By the time that I looked out to the living room, everyone was here.

They were wearing mask, like I asked. Everyone looked amazing! Then, I saw Simone walk downstairs. She looked like a princess. I saw someone pull her and give her a hug. It looked like Ryan.

He was wearing skinny jeans and a black dressy shirt. He looked handsome. Then, I saw someone kiss Simone. It was Nathan. He was wearing black skinny jean and a red dressy shirt. He also

died his hair black and he got his lip and ear pierced. He looks amazing! I can't wait till I get to dance!

Simone pov

I got downstairs and I saw Ryan. I guess that he could find me easily because he knew what I was wearing. He gave me a hug and then Nathan came up behind me a kissed me. He looked

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