Chapter 8

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Simone pov:

I had just woken up from passing out again for like the 20th time today. I sat up and there was a cat with black and blonde fur staring at me. "Aw! What a cute kitty!" I bent over to pet it and it bit me! What a evil cat. "Don't you pet me ever again you human." the cat said. "!" "Duh, you stupid human." the cat said. "Kitty, be nice to her, she is out guest." Simone said. "Cats can't talk. Why is it talking?" "Because that is my sister Kitty." She said. "A cat cannot be your sister Simone?" "I accidently turned her part cat when I was practicing a transformation spell. She can turn back into a vampire, watch." she said. Kitty stood up and jumped into the air. A little girl, looked like she was about 9 years old, skinny like Simone, and her hair was black and blonde like her fur color. She also had black eyes. "Wow, you look differently then what I thought you would look like." "What did you think I would look like, a witch or something like that!" she said. "I was only joking, just chill out." "I will chill when you leave this house and I cannot smell you anymore." she said. "You think I smell bad?" "Vampires have a keen sense of smell and the smell of humans can bother some vampires, but it doesn't bother me." she said. "I think you should be heading home now. It is getting late and I want you to get some rest." she said. She walked me to the big door. "Ok, Ill see you tomorrow at school." "Bye." "Bye!" they said. I was curious why they made me leave so early, but it is late and I should get some sleep, I have a lot to think about now, from all that happened today.

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