Chapter 24

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Simone pov

Ryan finally left my house after teaching me a bit of my power. I am still confused because I always thought that this kind of stuff never existed, but I guess that I was wrong. Ryan taught me how to pick up things

with my power and how to levitate. I can also control time. I need to get use to all of this. It is so strange.

I had just finish cleaning the house when I heard my cell phone ring. It had some strange number that I didn't recognize. I answered the phone and said "Hello, this is Simone." The voice said "This is Dad. I wanted to

let you know that mom and I will not be coming home for a while. Aunt Sally is coming to get the girls because I am transferring them to another school. I want to take care of the house while we are gone and we will give

you money for school and other things. She will be here tomorrow. We love you and will talk to you soon." The phone hung up and I started to cry. I am so confused right now. I don't know what to do now.

The door bell rung and I told them to come in. Nathan found me crying on the floor. He said "What's wrong? Is everything ok? Did something bad happen?" I just continued to cry till I could get myself together. Nathan

picked me up and moved me to the couch. "My Dad called and told me that they won't be back for a while, but they are taking the girls with them. My aunt is coming tomorrow and picking them up. I will be by myself for a

long time." I said. Nathan continued to hold me till I could get up to tell the girls. I told them that they are going away for a little bit and that they have to pack their stuff. They were both excited and curious. I was still very

upset. Nathan stayed for dinner and helped the girls pack. He is the best guy a girl can ever have. I plan to tell him about our powers after the girls go to sleep.

The girls finally fell asleep and I sat Nathan down on my bed. "We have to talk. Do you remember the nightmare that I had last night?" I said. "Yeah, and what about it?" He asked. "Well it looks like we both have special

powers. We were born to protect Laiyla from any danger. Before you laugh, let me show you." I said. I got up and I levitated in the air. I also grabbed his necklace off of the table with my powers. Nathan sat there in shock. I

said "Now you try to grab something off of the table." He put out his hand and grabbed a picture off of the table. I was correct of the color of his power. His was red and mine was purple. I guess that I can really see into the

future and possible the past. "Ryan said that he will train both of us after school everyday. I think that something bad might happen at Laiyla's party, but I am not sure. "Well I am happy that I will be training with you." He

said. He turned me around and kissed me. We sat there making out for at least a half hour, when he had to go home. "I will call you when I get home." He said. He bit me on the neck and kissed me one last time. I was not

prepared for tomorrow.....

Laiyla pov

I was sitting in my room, making plans for my party, when I heard a knock on my door. Troy had came in and sat on the edge of the bed. "Who are you inviting to your party?" he asked. "Well, I am inviting people from

Vamp and some people from here?" I said. "Like who?" He asked. "Like Simone, Nathan and." Troy had cut me off by saying "Like Ryan?" I replied by saying "Yes, I am inviting Ryan. Do you have a problem with that?" I

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