Chapter 25

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Simone pov

Today was the second day for training, but it was Nathan's first day. It is going to be hard for him because he is not patient at all. I got up and put the coffee to heat up and I got on my computer. I got an email from

Laiyla. It was an invitation to her party. It would be a massacre party. You would have to wear a ball gown and a mask. This party sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. The email was forwarded to me, Nathan, Ryan and

people from school. It said to R.S.V.P. quickly and so I did. I got on face book to see if I got any messages from mom and dad, and I got nothing. I just hope everything's ok.

I finished my coffee and got dress. I had left on Nathan's basketball shorts because they were baggie. I put on a purple tank top and my purple converses. I grabbed a water bottle, my phone and keys and went to the

car. I have a silver convertible that has a hello kitty sticker in the window because I love hello kitty!

I got to the football field and I saw Nathan and Ryan standing in the middle. Both Ryan and Nathan were wearing white tank tops and basketball shorts. We started by stretching and running a lap around the track. I

had no clue why we were running, but I enjoyed it. Nathan got hot so he took off his shirt. I have never realized that he had a 12-pack. I feel really stupid for not realizing it. I am a failure as a girlfriend! Nathan heard me

talking to myself and came over and said "You are not a failure as my girlfriend." and kissed me on the forehead.

We started with target practice and fighting skills. I kicked but in targets and holding up a shield, but Nathan was better at fighting. Then, Ryan showed us how to run really fast. I succeeded in that, but Nathan fell

behind a bit. It took me a bit to get the grip that both Ryan and Nathan had great bodies, but that is not what matters.

We stopped for the day and chilled out. We went and got snowballs. Nathan decided to come over my house to help me with some stuff. He let me take a shower first so I could get clean first. I went upstairs and took a

shower. It felt like I was in there forever, but I was only in there for 10 minutes. I got out and got dress. I decided to put on a pair of shorts and my Kyo shirt that Nathan had gotten me for my birthday last year. While he

took his shower, I found two necklaces in my bag. One was purple and the other one was red. Each necklace had a charm on it. Mine had a purple key with some black stones on it. Nathan's had a black lock with red stones

on it. I waited for Nathan to get out of the shower to put it on. When he came down, I gave him his and I put mine on. When we wore it, it glowed. When I stopped glowing, I was wearing a purple and black zebra print mini

dress with black converses and my hair was up in a little ponytail and I had black ribbon in my hair. It was exactly like the picture that Ryan drew, but the only difference is that I had a purple clip in my hair. It was so cute!

After Nathan's necklace stopped glowing, he was wearing black skinny jeans, black and red converses and a red shirt with a black cross on it. His hair was pitch black hair. He said "Wow, you look amazing!" I looked at him

and said "You don't look bad yourself." We both looked at each other, than he kissed me for the first time! His lips were so soft and sweet when he meet mine. It felt like I was on a fluffy cloud. We were kissing for a bit till

we changed back to our own forms. We both looked at each other and I said "We should go buy Laiyla's present." He shook his head and we went out to his car. Nathan had a black Ford F-350. It was so big! He opened up

the door for me and then we went to the local mall. We didn't have much of a mall in town. We called it and outdoor mall because all of the shops are outside, mostly. We went to every store that we could think of and came

up with nothing! I was so pissed at myself. Out of all the stores, I could not believe they had nothing that suited Laiyla's style. Then, I remembered that I had to get something at Hot Topic. I found it! How could I forget Hot

Topic. I am so stupid!

We went into the store and they had everything that would fit Laiyla. They had jewelry, shirts, skirts, shoes and collectables. It was so hard to pick. Nathan called me to the back of the store because he found

something. I went to the back and I found Nathan holding up a blue and black hoodie that had Kyo on the back. Kyo is Laiyls's favorite anime character from Fruit Baskets. It fit her perfectly. I also found black-skulled hair

clips that had blue bows on them. I also found my purple skirt, Vampire Knight shirt and my black an purple zebra print fingerless gloves. Nathan paid for me things and I paid for Laiyla's present. We also stopped by Sports

Authority so Nathan could get his stuff for Lacrosse and I had to get my stuff for Softball. We were out for a bit and it started to get late. I was tired so we went back to my house. It was nicer because I had privacy, but I

don't like being alone, and Nathan knew that. We decided to watch T.V. in my room because there was a marathon of Avatar: The Last Airbender and we both love that show. I always wished that I could airbend and Nathan

wanted to firebend. I was really tired and I fell asleep. I felt so bad because I always fall asleep early. I kinda felt Nathan playing with my hair and touching my skin. It felt really good. I heard him say a couple times that he

loved me. I liked it a lot. I felt him move his hands down to my waist and they just stayed there. I guess he fell asleep, but I was happy because he was still here. This night will be the night that I actually sleep for once

without being scared.

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