Chapter 23

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Simone pov

It seems like I am in a very deep sleep. I feel like I am falling into a hole. I have landed into dance party. It looks like Laiyla's house! I cannot believe she is having a Sweet 16 party! There are

a lot of dancers in fancy dresses, and there is food and drinks and a lot of people. I see Laiyla dancing with Ryan in the middle of the dance floor, I see Nathan and I dancing around Laiyla and Ryan.

Hold up! Did I say that I am dancing? Holy shit! And I am looking good out there!

I look up and I see Troy on the stairs, looking down at Laiyla and Ryan. He looks pretty pissed. Suddenly. Troy sends some warriors to attack them. Everyone is freaking out and then, they

grab Laiyla and attacks everyone! Ryan is chasing after Laiyla and Nathan and I are fighting off the warriors with some kind of magic. My power is purple and Nathan's is red. It looks pretty cool. I

turned around and a warrior cop killed me! I am now in a black hole, falling again.

I wake up in sweat and in terror. I am freaking out right now, but it was only a dream. It felt so real. It felt like I was there with them. "Are you ok, you look scared as shit?" Nathan said. "It's

nothing. It was just a nightmare." I said. "Well it's ok. Don't stress over it. It is morning anyway." He said. "Ok good, time to eat!" I said. We went around to the kitchen and we saw Laiyla and

Ryan sitting there with coffee and breakfast ready to eat. I was still freaked out because of the dream. I will forget about it in a couple of hours. "Hey guys, I wanted to tell you that I am having a

Sweet 16 party at my house and it is a big deal. Since I am in line next for the crown and since I will be 16 in two weeks, I will become the queen of Vamp!" She said. "That's great!" Nathan said. I

was afraid that she would say that. The party was in my dream last night. "Are you ok Simone, you have a scared face. Is everything ok?" Laiyla asked. "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about me. I

am really happy for you!" I lied. I was happy for her, but I was scared because of what I saw in my dream last night. "Well I am going to go home to get some preparations together for the party. I

will see you guys later!" She said. She hugged Nathan and I am gave Ryan a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to talk to Ryan about my dream, but I had to get Nathan out of the house first. I have

just the trick! "Nathan, could you do me a favor?" I asked. "Sure, what is it?" He asked. "Could you watch my sisters at your place today. I have to clean and they would get in the way." I said.

"Sure, no problem. I'll go right now." He said. He kissed me on my forehead and my cheek and gave me a bite on my neck. I was kinda scared but I am ok with it.

He left and it was just Ryan and I. "Well I guess I will leave now." He said. "No, don't leave. I want to talk to you about something really important." I said. "Ok, well what is it?" He asked. "I

had this dream of Laiyla's Sweet 16 party. You and Laiyla were dancing. Everyone was in fancy dresses. But Troy was up on the stair case and he looked pissed. The next minute, Troy sent these

warriors to steal Laiyla and attack everyone. You went after her and Nathan and I were trying to kill off the warriors, then everything went to a blank. Do you know what that means? Nathan and I

also had these weird powers. I don't know what it means. Could you give me a clue?" I said. "It looks like you have the power of seeing into the future and that you might be a guardian?" He said.

"What are guardians?" I asked. "Well in my dimension, guardians are people that can see into the future and past, and also have different powers that have been sent down in generations to

protect the leader or royalty. They are usually in a pair, like a couple. Did you say that it was you and Nathan fighting?" He asked. "Yep." I said. "Well it looks like I found Laiyla's guardians. I will

train you myself and we will teach you your powers so you can use them at any time." He said. 'Ok, I guess." I said. I always thought that my life would be boring, but I was clearly wrong!

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