Chapter 11

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Simone pov

I was not prepared to meet her parents today. I was surprised to see how calm they were. Her mom had long, blonde hair, tall, skinny, and had black eyes. Her dad had kinda long black hair, tall, skinny and also had black eyes. I can see where Laiyla gets her looks from. Laiyla was standing in front of me and had me pinned up behind her. She was trying to hold me back against the wall. "Great Laiyla, you brought a snack for us, thank you honey." her dad said in a evil tone. "That is Laiylas friend, you stupid." her mom said. "I am sorry, I thought you were lunch." he said. "Its ok, I understand." "Laiyla, you can let go already." "Opps, my bad. I was just scared for a minute, I thought you were a goner." she said. "Welcome to our home. I am sorry about that. My name is Rose and his name is Nick. We are Laiyla's parents. It is nice to finally meet you!" she said. "It is nice to meet you to. My name is Simone, I am a classmate of Laiylas." "Would you like to stay for tea honey?" she said. "I am sorry but I have to get home. I have to babysit tonight. Maybe another time." "That would be nice. It was nice to meet you Mrs. Rose." "It was nice to meet you too!" she said.

Laiyla walked me to the door. "I am sorry about what happened. I thought my parents wouldn't of been home so early." she said in an apologetic tone. "Its ok, nothing bad happened so its all good. Ill call you later." "Ok, bye Simone." she said. "Bye Laiyla!"

I was kinda happy to get out of that house. I wished it would of gone better, but her mom seems nice, but I am not sure about her dad. Oh well, time to go babysit my sister and brother!

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