Chapter 13

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Laiyla pov

I just got home from school today. Today was an interesting day. First, I ran late for school again, I made the class record for rope climbing, and I got caught by some cute guy. But he is not some regular guy, he might be a vampire. Idk! "Laiyla, are you talking to yourself again?" she said. "And how come you do not smell like a human today? Did you go back to Vamp?" she said. "No I wouldn't go back there now. I am not that stupid!"

Mom and Dad walked through the door and saw us fighting (as usual). "Do you guys always have to fight?" said Dad. "Sorry Dad" we said. "We have something very important to tell you Laiyla." mom said in a worried tone. "Ok, well what is it?" "We wanted to tell you that there are other vampires at your school, but they are not all good vampires." she said. "Well that will explain what happened in Gym class today." "What happened in class honey?"mom said again in a worried tone. "When I was climbing the rope, someone shot something, like they wanted to hurt me and I fell, but a guy caught me, but he did not smell like a human, he smelled more like a vampire smell." "He might be a vampire that is practicing Black Magic. Keep an eye on him, ok?" dad said. "Ok, I will." "That's our good girl." dad said.

Mom and Dad went into the study room. I am still trying to figure out if that guy is a good vampire or a vampire that is practicing Black Magic. I never knew that vampires could even practice Black Magic. I thought that Black Magic was forbidden to the relms. But all I know is that boy was smoking hot! He also looks very familiar, like I know him or something from somewhere, like one of our balls. I will keep an eye on him, Maybe Simone and Nathan can help me find out who he is. "LAIYLA, STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF!" Kitty said. "I am going to buy some duck tape, tape her to a chair, and lock her in a closet. That should shut her up for a bit. "I heard that!" she said. "I need to learn how to keep my thoughts to myself!

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