Chapter | One

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My eyes are almost refusing to open. Two long weeks of winter break, now back to reality. Unfortunately for me, my reality sucks. Specifically, my town, school, and family. My town isn't exactly making the 'safest towns in the U.S.' list; not by a long shot. This town is full of violence. I can't even watch the news anymore without getting squeamish. As for my school, we get almost zero funding or decent staffing. The kids there are more focused on a morning drug deal than their school work. No faculty even blinks an eye. Then, my family. My family isn't a great conversation starter. My mother decided enough was enough after sixteen years. She left a day before my birthday. Cruel, don't you think? Anyway, my brother Ryan looks after me now. It's not exactly a picnic, but we make it work. My self-pity is interrupted by him knocking on my door. 

"Come in." my voice was strained. 

I heard my door creak open, causing my gaze to shift from the ceiling to him. Ryan had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and the sweetest smile. We don't even look related. I have auburn hair, green eyes, and I barely smile. 

"I just wanted to let you know that I was stepping out for a bit. Be safe and text if you need anything." He told me. It sounded like he was putting on his best parental voice. I nodded in response and he closed my door. He's been doing that a lot lately.. trying to play parent. I wouldn't say my mother and I were ever particularly close. I'm not sure if she could have told me my favorite color if I asked. My brother however, he could probably tell me how many freckles traced my nose. It still hurts to be abandoned. It sticks with you. Abandonment whispers you aren't good enough, any time you feel a hint of light. I glanced at my alarm clock and rolled my eyes. I tore my comforter off but soon regretted it when I felt the cold air attack my bare legs. I went to my closet and grabbed the first pair of leggings I saw and slipped them on. I paired them with a white pullover and matching running shoes. I don't like to run, no one does, but it helps clear my head. Today is the last day of semi-peace before I have to go back to hell. 


I walked in the front door of my favorite cafe trying to catch my breath. My pullover was sticking to my back, and my baby hairs were clinging to my face and neck. This coffee shop is nearly the only nice building in our town. The owner is wealthier, so I'll credit it to that. I ordered a salad and water before paying. I glanced down at my phone as I walked to an empty table near the window. I love sitting at the window. People-watching is my favorite hobby. Reading a stranger, seeing the type of day they're having. Like the woman walked across the rugged pavement. Her hand is twitching by her side, and her jaw is moving back and forth. She's an addict. Next the kid leaning against the brick building across from me, checking alleys before he passes. He's young and is trying to make sure no one is going to mug him. I can see a hint of despair in his eyes. He doesn't want to be wearing the clearly worn out jeans he has on that are 2 sized too small. Nor does he want to live in a town where he scared to cross the road to go to school. 

Deep loud laughing sounds from behind me, causing me to turn. Lo and behold, a group of guys from my school occupies a booth towards the back of the cafe. They're the group of guys I try not to even make eye contact with. They've never had anything good associated with them. I'm not sure any guy I know has good associated with them, but they are especially bad news. 

One of them is a huge pothead; Landon. I'm really not sure how that works since he plays every varsity sport available. Jackson is known as a partier, oh, and a huge asshole. He seems to have bipolar disorder like I do, or some type of personality disorder. Grayson is another egotistical human being who treats people like shit. Not only that, but he loves to fight. Our school doesn't exactly discipline for things like that, so he continues. His brother, Ethan, is the exact same. They are twins, so maybe that's why they're so much alike. But Ethan may be even worse. He has a reputation around school regarding women; not a good one at that. Of course, they're all attractive, the horrible ones always are. Somehow they all met and have been inseparable from what I've seen. You wouldn't think any of them individually would even tolerate the other, but they work. I keep my head down at school and I stay very quiet. That makes me hyperaware of everything, and very observant.

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