chapter | 22

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"Anything important?"  I asked after I lied to him. I remember it all.  "Uh no. Nothing important," He responded, grabbing his keys and walking to his car to take me home. 


Sunday morning - 7:37 am 

I put my phone down when Ryan walked into my room and grabbed my remote. He sat on the end of my bed and turned my tv up. "Ryan, what are you doing?" I asked him impatiently. He hasn't talked to me in weeks.

"Shh," He pointed, not taking his eyes off of the tv. I listened to what he was trying to hear. 

"Suspect not found in potential stabbing in Lynbrook, police are still surveilling the scene for more evidence to help lead them to who's responsible. We will bring you updates as soon as we get them. This is Scott Clark, eyewitness news." The newsman spoke loudly, maybe because Ryan has the tv up almost all the way up. 

"Can you turn that down now?" I asked, throwing my blanket off of my legs. "Did you not hear that?" He pointed more concerned toward the tv. 

"Yeah, I heard it, a stabbing. So what? That's not exactly rare, it happens every day." I spoke crossing my arms. 

"It's just the tenth one this week. Too close to the house is all I'm saying. Be careful, you never know who it might be." He spoke mysteriously like he was the narrator of a movie. 

"If you're trying to say something just say it." I snapped back impatiently. He shook his head at me slowly in defense of his silence. 

 "Okay, if you're done you can get out now, the door is behind you." I pointed, and he let out a breath and turned around, and walked out. 



"He's kind of hot." Elena blushed as we walked into school. "Ew please do not use that word to describe my brother." I cringed as I walked to my locker. 

"Fine, fine." She laughed. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Ethan walking with Caroline. It's fine, I can't be jealous. I connected eyes with Grayson on accident, and he didn't look happy about her being over there. 

"Elena, I'll be right back," I smiled lightly at her, but she gave me a warning look. "A-" she started, but I waved her off. I began walking towards the boys. Ethan's eyes went slightly wide seeing me, so did hers.

"Hey Grayson, hi Jackson, hi Landon," I spoke flashing them all a smile. Grayson and the other two looked amused. "What do you think you're doing?" Caroline asked taking hold of my arm. You would think she would LEARN.

I grabbed her wrist tightly and pried it off of mine. "I was saying hi to my friends, but if you touch me again I might just have to replay that day in the parking lot, physically." I held a smile the whole time I said it. 

"Alex." Ethan gave me the 'behave yourself' look. Too bad I'm not on a leash like, Caroline or I might have actually listened. 

"Grayson do you want to grab a coffee after school? Jackson and Landon can come too." I smiled over to them.

Ethan's face was turning as red as my hoodie. "Sorry A, I have practice. Maybe next time?" Landon smiled. He wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug, then walking to class. 

I looked at Jackson who was exchanging looks with Ethan. Ethan was pleading with him through his eyes. "Ugh sorry Alex, uh I have.. literally anything else to do." He laughed, kissing my cheek and walking away. I didn't expect the whole cheek kiss but, hey I like how it made Ethan tense up. They're on my side for once. 

"That sounds sweet Alex, then we can go back to my place." He smiled. "Sorry Caroline and I will be there." Ethan interrupted, trying to mess up our plans.

 "Oh, that's no problem E, have the place all to yourself. Grayson, we can go to my place, no one will be there." I smiled back at him. 

Ethan's blood pressure is probably through the roof, it's funny really. Him being on the other end of the jealousy and pain. 

"Wow, home alone. We can be as loud as we want." Grayson put his arm around my shoulder mockingly, playing along. Ethan pushed Grayson against the locker, off of me. "Shut the fuck up." Ethan growled at Grayson. 

"What's wrong, E? Your girlfriend is right there. Someone should be treating Alex right, even if it's not you." Grayson winked pushing Ethan off of him. He straightened up his shirt. "See you tonight Alex," Grayson spoke to me as he walked away.

I stood there with a huge smile plastered on my face. It's nice seeing Ethan show his emotions. "I swear to god Alex if you-" He started walking closer to me. "If I what?" I laughed getting closer to his ear so only he could hear me.

"Should I not let him do things to me that you never got a chance to?" I whispered vindictively. I don't by any means plan on doing anything with Grayson. 

I'm just making a point, Grayson was also just saying those things to get a reaction out of him.

I backed away taking a good look at the burning anger on his face. "You made your choice Ethan. even if it was the wrong one." I responded louder, looking at Caroline. Her mouth opened slightly at my comment, making me smile more.

I heard the bell ring, I started walking back to my locker where Elena was standing. "What happened over there?" she asked, looking surprised. "Harmless girl talk," I smirked walking into my classroom.

this should be interesting 




btw thanks for over 100 reads already :') love ya

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