Chapter | Twelve

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Finally, Saturday rolled around. I spent last night twisting and turning in my bed. I don't remember the last time my brain gave me a second of peace; or the last time I truly slept. Ethan plagues my mind. The feeling of Will's hands on my body, plague my mind. I'm going to try and have a self care day to distract myself. Coffee, TV, candle, the whole nine yards. 

I hear a name on TV which tears my myself from my own head. "18-year-old Will Carson arrested for gang violence. He's facing numerous other charges including: drug trafficking, owning an unregistered firearm, and sexual assault. We will send updates as soon as we know more." The woman's voice echoed on my TV. I cut it off and sat up against my headboard in shock, and bewilderment. 

Jordyn told me yesterday that he'd take care of it; but I certainly did not expect this. Why does he care about what Will did to me? This whole thing is just weird and makes no sense. 


I walked into my usual coffee shop and ordered my regular. I sat at the table closest to the window, resting my head upon it. I've had such a shit week. I sipped my coffee, I'm about halfway through when of course, my very own wonderful luck ensued. I see none other than Ethan, Grayson, Landon, and Jackson. I also see Ryan walk in directly behind them, but he's pace walking toward me. He pulled out the seat in front of me and sat down dramatically. I see Ethan side-eyeing him, he doesn't know he's my brother. 

"Did you hear about Will?" He asked, taking my coffee and drinking some of it. I just smiled at his childishness. 

"Uh yeah, heard it on the news." I shrugged. If I play dumb, he'll believe me. 

"So, you haven't been seeing any of Jordyn have you?" He asked looking at me with serious eyes. I hate lying to him, but it's for his own good.

 "Nope." I lied, looking toward the boys who were in line waiting for their coffee. Ethan's eyes were still glued on me, making me shift in my seat.

"Okay, good. Promise to tell me if you do though?" He spoke while standing up. 

"Mhm." I hummed and stood up too.

"I mean this in the kindest way possible, Alex you look wrecked. Are you sure nothing is going on?" He asked, resting his hands on my shoulders. I glanced at Ethan. Yeah, him. 

"No I'm fine, the typical high school issues, I guess." 

He wrapped his large arms around me, and I didn't hesitate to hug him back. I've needed a hug. I felt like crying again and I don't know why.

He pulled away and looked at my eyes again. "Alright, Alex stop lying. What's wrong?" He asked again, more serious this time. I can't say Ethan and I can't say Jordyn. There's something else, though. 

"I just miss mom, Ryan. It would just be so much easier if she was here." I wiped away another tear. I'm so tired of crying. He wrapped his arms around me once more, this time it felt as if he was protecting me.

"I'm sorry A, just know I'm here. I know it's not the same, but still. One day she'll come home and everything will go back to normal." He sounded unsure of the last part. I didn't believe it either. 

I nodded and unwrapped my arms from him. "Thank you, I'll see you at home." I smiled nicely and he returned it. 

He went to walk away but stopped, "Oh hey, Dani wanted me to tell you to call her." I shook my head and he walked out. I haven't heard from Dani in forever. She's kind of the black sheep of the family. Dani is my older sister, we haven't always gotten along, but she's the mother of my niece, who I love dearly. I practically raised her the first three years of her life, so we have a special bond. 

I dialed Dani's dumber and she picked up on the second ring. "Hey Dani, Ryan said you wanted me to call?" I spoke into the phone. 

"Yeah. I wanted to see if you wanted to watch Paisley tomorrow?" She asked through the phone. Her voice sounded slurred and tired. It made me shake my head slightly before I responded. 

"Yeah definitely." I agreed. We exchanged goodbyes and I finished my coffee. I have something to look forward to. I miss her so much. I walked past Ethan and the others to throw my cup away.

"Hey, Alex." I heard Grayson say from behind me. I faintly smiled and walked back to my table to get my purse. He followed behind me, obviously wanting something.

"Ethan broke up with Caroline," He spoke, leaning against the table. 

"Okay?" I responded looking up at him. "That doesn't change, or mean anything to me." I added, my voice was monotone. 

We were walking toward the door, but he stopped at his table. "Alex, you should come to the house tomorrow and hang out." I heard Ethan speak up. 

"Can't I'm busy." I responded, walking out of the door.

I'm not lying this time. I walked to my car, I feel spring just around the corner. It's starting to get warmer and I love it. Why are they trying so hard? All Ethan has ever wanted is something from someone, I'm not going to be that someone.




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