chapter | Five

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I tossed my keys onto my dresser and sat on my bed. "Remember, the project is due in two days." My teacher's voice just keeps replaying in my head. This project is worth a lot of our grade for literally no reason at all. It's for bio class. We're on our genetics unit. We have to write down our different traits and create our own baby. We're supposed to have a partner but I haven't gotten around to it. I played with the strings on my blanket, contemplating what to do. It is technically my fault. I never sought out a partner. I am the world's worst procrastinator, as well as the world's worst socializer. 

My phone vibrated, signaling I got a text. I rolled over and picked it up from my night stand. 

unknown - what time will you be at my place?

me - who is this?

unknown - your partner :)

me - what? who is this, seriously?

unknown - Ethan

me - how did you even get this number? & what do you mean partner?

--- *creates contact* ---

asshole - the teacher asked me who I wanted to work with and everyone else was with someone so I chose you. what time will you be here?

me - um, I'm good. I'm going to ask whoever is left tomorrow in class.

I laughed silently to myself at his incessant attempts to get with me. 

asshole - no take-backs. I already signed our names on the rubric. be here by 5, oh, and bring food I'm hungry.

me - Ethan. 

asshole - the one and only.

me - you're pathetic.

asshole - pineapple pizza sounds good. thanks, Alex :)

I look at the clock it's 4:06. I'm gonna kill him. I really have no other choice but to work with him if I want to pass this class. I'll just do all the work and put his name on it. 


I knocked on the door with the pizzas in my hand. I didn't get pizza because he wanted it; I got it because it would be a great distraction technique so that he'll leave me the hell alone. I heard footsteps coming towards the door causing me to shift on my feet. 

"Never thought I'd see you at my doorstep." Grayson spoke as he leaned his shirtless body up against the door frame. A study needs to be done on these men. How did such an attractive group of men end up in this dump of a town? 

"Believe me I'm not here for you." I responded, rolling my eyes at his arrogance. "Now can you let me in, it's freaking cold and these pizza boxes are burning my hand." I raised my eyebrows impatiently at him. 

He gave me the slightest bit of room to move past him. His eyes were pouring into mine when I glanced up. Our noses were almost touching. I looked down at his lips and saw a teasing smirk playing across his lips. I shook my head at how predictable these guys were and shoved past him. I can finally breathe. 

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