chapter | 21

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I laid her in my bed slowly, trying not to wake her up. I changed her into one of my big t-shirts, I didn't look at her or anything. I can't with her, anyone else, free show. 

I heard someone knock at my door, and I saw her shift in her sleep a little. I opened my door quickly so they wouldn't knock again.

"What Grayson?" I asked, whisper yelling at him. "Did you get her home safe?" He asked crossing his arms. I put my hand up telling him to come inside. 

He looked down at her sleeping body and pulled her blanket up higher. I looked at him weirdly, and he tensed up. "You might want to go ahead and get her some Advil and a water bottle for the morning. Maybe even a trash can." He smiled, changing the subject and walking towards my door. 

"Why did you leave the party so early?" I asked about to close my door. "I was checking on you guys." He shrugged, not making a big deal out of it. Since when does he leave parties? 

Was he checking on me or her? 


I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a slight pounding in my head. I don't get hangovers, thank god. just a slight headache. I looked around at my surroundings, I'm in Ethan's room. how did I get here? 

I lifted my head up. I looked down and it was laying on Ethan's shirtless chest. Okay, maybe I should go. 

I sat up slowly, trying to think of everything that happened last night. What I remember of it, I think I may have had fun. 

I stood up from that bed and felt an instant chill on my legs, I'm wearing a short t-shirt, Ethan's. Great. 

I walked to the bathroom and saw he didn't move the toothbrush I used when I stayed over, in fact, he wrote my name on the handle. 

I brushed my teeth quietly and looked around. I don't really know where he put my clothes, so I'll have to go home in this. Wait, I don't think I drove here?  Again, great. 

I slowly walked downstairs, seeing Grayson sitting on the couch. He noticed my presence after a few seconds. When he looked at me he tilted his head to the side. I couldn't tell if it was to make fun of me or just looking at me. 

"Morning sunshine," He joked patting the couch cushion beside him. "Good morning Grayson." I smiled. 

I looked down at my fingers. My eyes glanced at the ring I've worn since the birthday before last that Ryan bought me. I wish things would go back to normal between us. But they can't. 

"What's on your mind?" Grayson asked laughing at me zoning out. "Nothing, I just feel like I may have done things drunk that I would regret while sober," I said leaning over to put my hair up in a messy bun. 

"Um, another part of you is trying to say good morning to me too." He laughed pointing towards the t-shirt that isn't covering my butt anymore. 

"Ethan's dumb ass didn't put shorts on me," I whispered under my breath, pulling down the t-shirt. I felt my face heating up, I don't usually get embarrassed. 

"Nice undies. Red is my favorite color." He smirked jokingly, walking to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes walking after him. "Can you take me home?" I asked sitting on the stool in front of Grayson. 

"Yeah, just let me finish breakfast first," He responded, pointing towards the pancakes, toast, and eggs he's cooking. 

"I've never made a pancake before." I spoke, staring off again. "How am I even friends with you?" He asked shaking his head in disbelief. "My brother always did the cooking." I sighed. Thinking about Ryan makes me upset, even the good memories. 

"Come here." He ordered, pointing beside him. "Hh okay." I laughed at his fake authority. He put the spatula in my hand and poured pancake mix into the pan. "Okay, when the bottom starts to turn a light brown flip it." He said attending to his other food. 

"If it burns me." I warned, "Alex its literally a pancake." He laughed at my wariness. "I think its time to flip it?" I spoke unsure of myself as I poked it.

 "Well, it's not going to flip itself by you poking it." He laughed walked over to me.  He stood behind me and put his hand on the spatula in front of mine. "Like this," He whispered behind me. Chills went down my back. 

When it flipped perfectly I smiled widely. "Easy peasy," He joked as I turned around to face him. I smiled and shook my head at his childishness. 

"What are you guys doing?" Ethan asked coming around the corner staring at us with his arms crossed. Grayson moved smoothly and I held up the pan. "Grayson is teaching me how to cook apparently, " I tried joking, but I don't even know how to talk to him. 

"Well, then you might want to learn from someone who's actually good at it." Ethan laughed, causing Grayson to scoff at his comment. 

"Are you awake enough to take me home?" I asked Ethan, Grayson glanced back at me, then looked back to his food. Things are still weird between us. 

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged. "Where did you put my clothes?" I asked trying to keep the t-shirt pulled down. "In the washer, it looks like you'll just have to wear that." He shrugged again, seeming like he wanted me to stay in what I was wearing.

 "Not funny. I'll just steal a pair of your sweat pants." I laughed walking towards the stairs. I heard his feet behind me, causing me to walk faster. 

"No you won't," He yelled as his pace turned into a run. I darted up the stairs to his room and jumped on the bed. "Okay I give, I'm already winded." I laughed trying to catch my breath.

"Nice red lace." He tugged on my t-shirt.  "And this is why I need pants!" I yelled putting a pillow between my legs. 

"Fine." He threw me a pair of joggers. "Thank you." I grabbed them and pulled them up. I looked up and Ethan's eyes were glued on me. "Is there something I can help you with?" I laughed tying the string tighter, so they wouldn't fall down. 

"I mean yeah, but you wouldn't." he joked, raising one eyebrow. "You're hilarious." I fake laughed. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked sitting on the bed beside me. I sat in thought for a second. 

Oh my fuck, at the table last night, Ethan said he thought he was falling..? Holy shit, in the car last night I told him the same. I'm screwed. 

"No, I don't. Did you say something important?" I lied...





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