Chapter | 28

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Alex's pov

I walked up the familiar-looking steps and stood at the door. I keep telling myself to just knock.

I put my fist on the door slowly and knocked. I waited in the warm air. Only in the clothes I left my house in.

I hear footsteps, and I looked down at my phone and read the time. 1:30 am. How long was I driving around?

The door opened, and he looked at me with wide eyes. "Alex, what are you doing here?" Jordyn asked slowly, clearly confused, and surprised by my presence. I may have woke him up. But he lives alone so it's okay.

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important," I spoke, my voice quiet. "I know. Come in." He responded, moving out of the way.

Jordyn would be so much hotter if his attitude was different. He has a really nice toned body, great looks, it's just his attitude that is his downfall.

We walked to his room and I sat down at the end of his bed. I looked around, his room didn't match him at all.

It was painted a blue color, there were trophies everywhere, and pictures of him and the family he had.

"So what brought you here? You're the last person I expect to see at my doorstep." He spoke, running his hand through his hair.

"I want you to tell me the truth. Anything you know that Ryan isn't telling me, I need to know." I pleaded with him. I need to know before I literally go insane.

"Are you sure Alex?" He asked while looking at me. "Ryan will kill me when he finds out I told you." He responded more seriously, looking out the window.

"You're worried about Ryan?" I almost laughed. "Yes, I am." He responded in the same tone, causing my brows to furrow. He almost killed Ryan, I don't see why he's scared of anyone.

"I'm sure," I responded. "Before I start, I need to tell you something." He looked back at me.

"Alex, I really care about you. Despite anything I tell you, Ryan does too." He continued, "I know I act completely opposite from caring, but I have to." He took a breath.

Why would he have to?

"Okay, I don't even know where to start.. let's start with Ryan. Yes, Ryan is keeping something from you, but it will protect you in the end."

"What is this secret that is so important!" I raised my voice in frustration. "Everyone keeps telling me 'I'm just trying to protect you' what if I don't want to be? I can handle myself." I snapped back quickly, causing him to give me a look.

 "Are you done?" He tilted his head at my tantrum. I nodded in response. I just hate being treated like I'm fragile, like I might break.

"Alex I'm not the one who almost killed Ryan," Jordyn spoke, he looked scared to even talk to me.

"Wait- what? Then who did?" I asked confused. I'm almost positive it was Jordyn. That's what Ryan told the cops at least.

"It was a guy named Larce Ekon." He said his name very quietly. "Who the hell is he, and why isn't he locked up?" I stood up frustrated.

"Because he's not exactly easy to find. He has connections and money that gets him out of situations like that." Jordyn responded, rubbing his head.

"What did he want with Ryan?" I sat back down. "Ryan wouldn't join." He shrugged. "Join what?" I snapped.

"The mortel gang." He responded quietly, letting his hands fall from his face. "A gang? You're joking right." I laughed, humored by what he said. 

Yes, there are gangs everywhere in this town, but they don't usually recruit, and they're all mostly teenagers trying to find a purpose. So mostly a drug support group if you ask me.

"No I'm not kidding, this is serious Alex." He looked at me with fear written on his face. "Why are you scared?" I asked, I'm creepily good at reading people, and he knows that.

"I'm not supposed to be saying anything. Especially not to you." He responded seriously. I didn't know him telling me things would put him in danger. 

"Just continue," I said, waving my hand. I don't really believe this stuff anyway. "After things happened with Ryan, I didn't know what to do, so I left. I didn't get sent away, I simply left."

"Why did you let everyone think you did it?" I asked, puzzled. He didn't speak, he looked at the ground.

"Tell me Jordyn," I said grabbing his hand, and he automatically looked up. I let go slowly and looked at him.

"When you're asked to do something you do it, if not it's your head on a pike." He shook his head. "Who would ask that of you?" I feel guilty for blaming him all these years.

"Crimson Avery." He said looking up at me. I swallowed hard. "Avery?" I said as a question.

"As in my older brother." He responded. "Oh my gosh, Jordyn." I leaned closer to him. I feel terrible, him and I used to be so close, and then I blamed him all these years for something he didn't do.

"I'm so sorry for blaming you all these years, you didn't deserve any of it." I felt my eyes filling with tears. I felt so guilty. 

"It's okay, I had to make it believable. Even making one of the people I cared for the most hate me." He shrugged. One of the people he cared for most?

"Why did he make you do it?" I asked again, scooting a little further. 

"I've already said too much, Alex." He responded, shaking his head. "Okay, Batman," I joked, trying to play along. He gave me a serious face, causing me to let out a breath. "Fine, I'll try and be serious," I responded, waiting for him to continue with the story. 

"At least get some sleep first and continue with the story tomorrow." He said rubbing my arm. "Okay. Promise you'll tell me the rest tomorrow?" I asked trying to smile. "Promise." He smiled back.

"Are you planning on staying?" He asked standing up. "I don't want to bother you-" I started. "Your not at all Alex. I'll take the couch, you take my bed." He said grabbing a few blankets.

"Thank you, Jordyn, I mean it." I stood up and hugged him. He tensed up, then reluctantly hugged me back.

"Night, I'm out there if you need me." He responded, rubbing my arm as he walked out. I crawled into his bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt myself quickly drifting off to sleep.




Ou cool. also, this book is about to take a weird turn. but I have really good ideas and visions in mind, even if it's not your average fanfic.. update coming soon, xoxo

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