Chapter | Thirteen

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I stood at my sister's door, waiting for her to answer. I'm so excited. I heard the door open, revealing Dani. She was putting a cigarette out as she blew out the last bit of smoke. I held my breath as she let me in, trying not to make it obvious. 

"Paisley is in the living room." She half-smiled at me. I turned the corner and walked into the living room, and I knocked on the wall to get her attention. She dropped her toy and her eyes went wide, her smile beamed bright and she ran up to me and wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"I missed you so much!" I spoke excitedly, hugging her back tighter. Paisley is now 4 years old, she has perfect blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. I unwrapped her from my hug and looked at how big she's gotten. "You ready to go?" I asked and she nodded quickly.

She ran around the house gathering a few toys, and when she came back to get in the car, it looked as if she packed her whole room to come for one day.

"I'll be home around 9, is that fine? And are you sure you're okay with missing school?" Dani asked grabbing her purse. 

"Yeah that's fine, and it's all good." I smiled. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have shown up anyway. 


9 AM

I held paisley in my hands and stared at the Starbucks menu, I got my regular coffee and ordered paisley a pink drink. When the lady called our order, I handed Paisley her drink. "Don't tell mommy." I laughed. I ordered Elena a coffee since she was sitting in school without me.

I don't really want to bring paisley into that place, but it will only be for a few minutes. "Do you want to meet one of my friends?" I asked. 

"Yes,"  she spoke in her little voice and smiled widely. 

I held her in my arms as we walked into the school, seeing all of the kids give me weird looks. it's our free period right now and I spot Elena from a distance.

I walk up to her locker and tap on it. "Here you go, sorry for ditching you today." I smiled handing her the cup of coffee. 

"It's totally fine." She laughed and took her cup from me. 

"Paisley wanted to meet you as well. Paisley this is Elena, Elena Paisley." Elena's eyes lit up when Paisley smiled at her.  

"She's so cute!" She squealed. "This sucks for me to do but I have to run to my bio teacher's class during free period. He has been up my as- butt lately." Elena corrected herself in front of Paisley, causing me to laugh. 

"It's okay," I smiled at her. "I don't want her in here too long anyway."

"Okay, thank you for the coffee. It was nice meeting you, Paisley!" She smiled and rubbed Paisley's arm.

"You ready to go bye-bye?" I asked and she shook her head. We were about to turn the corner toward the exit door when the group of boys I'd been avoiding almost plows into us.

Paisley automatically started smiling for some reason which made all the boys smile. "Boys, this is Paisley," I spoke up, clearing the silence.

Ethan looked at me, his eyes softer. "Well hello paisley, it's a pleasure to meet you," Grayson spoke, taking her hand. She held her arms out signaling she wanted Grayson to hold her. Grayson looked at me for approval and I reluctantly handed her to him. She instantly started playing with his dangly earring. They were both laughing up a storm. I had no idea he was good with kids. 

"We should probably talk Alex." Ethan started. My stomach already felt nervous being around him. 

"There's nothing to talk about Ethan." I spoke softly. Glancing at Grayson and Paisley joking around.

"Please." He pleaded, finding my eyes. 

"Fine, but not now I don't want her in this school any longer," I responded, looking away from him.

"Sorry to interrupt this, but unfortunately it's time for us to go." Grayson handed her back to me after I spoke. I haven't seen that side of Grayson before, or Ethan for that matter.

The boys started walking with me toward the door. I saw Jordyn leaning against the locker and my body went numb. He hasn't seen Paisley since before he went away, and he better not start while I have her, that's one thing I will hurt someone over is her. Jordyn looked in my direction and his eyes went wide, he slowly picked himself up from the locker and walked towards me and the boys.

"Is that Paisley?" He almost stuttered. 

"Yes, it is," I responded softly. I felt Ethan's hand slide onto my lower back, as a way to comfort me. Somehow he knew I was nervous.

Paisley looked in his direction and half-smiled. "JJ," She mumbled. I'm not surprised she remembered him. He was always around. 

He smiled softly and looked back at her, then up to me. "I took care of it." He said aloud, obviously talking to me directly. 

"Can we not talk about that around her?" I whispered.

He nodded and looked back at Paisley. "Bye Paisley, it was good seeing you again. Stop growing would you." He tickled her before he walked away and she laughed loudly. Alright, I've had my fill. I'm ready to leave. 

The boys walked me to my jeep, and by the time we got there, she was falling asleep on my shoulder. I put her in her car seat gently and closed her door.

"What was he talking about?" Ethan spoke up. 

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently. I know exactly what he means, I just don't want to talk about it because I don't even have all of the answers myself.

"You know what he means Alex," Jackson scolded, crossing his arms. 

"Yesterday, I yelled at him about the whole Will thing, and apparently he knew nothing about it, and he told me he would take care of it and now Will is in jail, that's all I know. I don't know why he did it or how." I explained, crossing my arms and leaning against my car.

They all look at each other with a confused look, then look back at me. "You need to steer clear of him." Ethan spoke again, and for some reason, that pissed me off.

"Ethan, does it look like I approach him first?" I raised my voice, then looked back to make sure I didn't wake up Paisley.

"That's not what I'm saying." He spoke frustrated, rubbing his hand through his hair. 

"You know, less than two days ago I told you the same thing, and here we are." I let out a breath and moved my hair out of my face. I didn't mean for that to come out the way it did. 

"Look, I should get going." I spoke a little softer. Ethan looked pissed off, and I glanced at Grayson who was already looking at me with a frustrated look.

"Yeah, we should probably get to class," Jackson said in a tone I haven't heard since before we became friends. It was his mean tone. The one he talked to everyone else with.

I looked at Ethan one more time, then climbed into my jeep and started the car. I saw him turn and walk into the school with his hands in a fist.

I laid my head back on my seat and thoughts spun through my head.

I'd rather go back to being the invisible person that no one noticed, that way it was easier.




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