chapter || 43

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Alex's Pov

I rested my head on my couch and thoughts flooded my mind. Ethan will probably be mad at me for a while. I don't understand why he's mad at me. I'm just trying to protect him, he would do the same for me if the roles were reversed. 

I heard a knock at my door and got up reluctantly. I've been so paranoid since those guys, every little creak around the house makes my heart rate go up.

I opened the door slowly and felt relief wash over me when I saw Grayson. "Thank God," I breathed out, and he smirked. "That happy to see me, huh?" He teased, making me roll my eyes.

"No, I'm just glad you aren't someone else," I admitted and his smile faded a little. "Are you okay, like for real okay?" He asked, and I furrowed my brows. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned and he gave me a look.

"Alex, you're a seventeen-year-old girl who was ambushed by two lunatics. Not to mention they literally tried to kill you. That might put a damper on the mental state, well and physical." He motioned towards my face.

"Look we both got the shit beat out of us, we'll be okay." I joked, and he nodded. "So why did you stop by, do you want to come in?" I asked, but he declined. "No, I'm good, just needed to drop something off," He responded nervously.

"I was kind of incapacitated on your birthday to give you this, so here," He spoke, holding his hand out with a medium-size box in it. 

"Grayson, you know I don't like presents," I complained, but he put it in my hand anyway. "I know, and believe me, I'm not a big fan of giving them." He admitted and I tilted my head to the side a little.

"Well, I should get going before Ethan sees that I've runoff. He's miserable when he's mad at you if that makes you feel any better." Grayson smiled before stepping down my brick stairs.

"Gray," I spoke, making him turn back around. "Thank you," I smiled genuinely. He sent me a nonchalant nod before getting in his car.


I sat on my bed and looked around at the presents my friends had gotten me. I started with Ryan's that he had given me the morning of my birthday. I opened the small box that contained a simple heart necklace. I smiled at the tiny gold details and put it to the side. 

Next, I went for the one Grayson had just given me. I peeled the tape off of the small box and opened it. It was a new journal, it had my name engraved on the top of it. I don't even know how he knows that I love to write, either way, it's such a sweet gesture.

I picked up the box that Hagen had given me and opened it. The box was kind of big. Inside was a painting, beautiful might I add. 

It looked to be a war. A different group on each side, but in the middle was a woman or a goddess of some kind that seemed to be separating them? I'm not too sure. It was beautiful though. 

I flipped the painting over, and it had a note. 'You won't understand now, but one day you will.' It read. I furrowed my brows before putting it to the side. 

I heard my phone go off, so I picked it up.

Ethan <3 - I'm not mad anymore, I'm sorry for being an ass. 

Me - It's okay.

Ethan <3 - Look under your pillow, see you tomorrow. Love you. 

I set my phone down and looked under my pillow. There was nothing under mine, so I lifted up the side he usually sleeps on. There was a small black box underneath. I smiled to myself and shook my head slightly. 'he didn't.'  I whispered to myself.

I opened the box, and the air got caught in my throat. I studied the ring that was in the box in awe. I was not expecting this at all.

It had a gold band, but a simple black stone sitting on it. It was absolutely perfect. There was a note taped to the top of the box that i took out.

Dear Alex, 

  I'm not really good at writing like you are, but here we go.

Before I start, I'm gonna make this clear. I'm in no way proposing so don't get your hopes up. Diamonds wouldn't suit you anyway, haha. 

  Anywho, I got this on short notice bc I had found out about your birthday like an hour before we went to school.  I didn't really know what to get you, (mostly because you hate everything). Well, when I saw this ring I just imagined it looking absolutely perfect on you. Anyway, Happy birthday princess, I hope we made it a little brighter than you had expected.



I laughed at his letter and wiped a few tears away. I mean he's no Fitzgerald but the letter was perfect. 

I picked the ring back up and slid it on my finger. I smiled down at it and picked up my phone. 

Me - It's perfect, you're perfect. I love you.

I texted before shutting my phone off and laying my head back. I really am lucky. 






I hope me fixing them will make the story better. I don't know why some deleted and got repeated? Anyway, sorry again guys.



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