Chapter | Ten

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My eyes reluctantly peeled open. I rolled over and looked at my clock. It read 3:47 am in bright colors. I haven't slept all night, I'm exhausted, mentally. My mind has not stopped racing about certain men in my life. When my mind won't shut off, I got out of bed, and put on my Nike leggings and running shoes. I slip my phone into my pocket, along with my knife, and slip out of my bedroom. It's pitch black out here besides a couple of street lamps. I see a shadow of another person running. It's almost four in the morning. Despite the time, I'm not surprised being in this town. It would be someone running from the police, or just a drug addict trying to blow off some steam. As I get closer to the person, I realize it was Elena. We both stopped running at the same time and took our headphones out. 

"Why are you out here this early in the morning?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. 

"I could ask you the same thing?" She responded, causing us both to laugh. 

"Running helps me clear my head, and quite frankly I have a whole lot going on up there right now," I explained. I cleared my throat quickly when I realized I said exposed a little too much emotionally. 

"Me too." She replied. Her tone was advising me that it's okay, and I'm not alone after all. Her blonde hair was also tied into a pony tail, and she was wearing leggings and an athletic crew neck. It was probably thirty degrees outside right now, I'm sure she's as cold as I am.

"If you want, we can go back to my house and we can talk about it over coffee?" I suggested pointing toward the direction of my house. I didn't want to seem too forward, but I really need a friend right now. Even if she betrays me and spreads my drama around school. 

"That would be nice, thanks. My uncle won't care," I furrowed my brows at the tone she used while mentioning her uncle. "Quite frankly, I don't think he'd care if I came home at all." Due to how she sounded, I didn't pry. She didn't say it like she wanted a response. I nodded my head as we began walking toward the direction of my house. 

"What about you?" She asked me after a few moments. I knew she meant my parents; the parent talk is just awkward. 

"Never knew my dad and my mom left." I responded blandly. I don't want this conversation to linger too long. 

"So both of our moms high-tailed and our dads are POS's. Nice." She looked at me with a sarcastic smile and I let out a small laugh. It seems like no one in this town has parents. At least someone kind of knew how I felt and can laugh with me instead of dwell. I think her and I will make great friends. 

I brought her a cup of coffee, and we sat down at my kitchen table and continued our conversation. "Where did you guys move from?" I asked sipping my coffee. The warmth radiated through my chest causing me to nestle up in my jacket. 

"California." She blew on her coffee before she took a long sip of it. I can see how tired she is. I can't help but wonder what was keeping her up tonight. She seems so tame and sweet, I hope nothing is hurting her. 

 "That's cool, I have family in California." I smiled in return and took another sip of the warm liquid in my mug. 

"Yeah, me too." She responded. We have a lot more in common than I thought. 

"Morning Alex." Ryan walked in slowly rubbing the sleep off his face. She looked at me with a confused look on her face before she turned back to look at him... or check him out, I should say.

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