chapter || 45

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I pulled up to the house that the person told me to come to. It looked like a normal house, but I wasn't taking any chances. I put my bow around my head along with the arrows. I tucked my pocket knife in the waist of my shorts and walked up to the door. 

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I waited for about two more minutes, still no answer. I went to walk away when I heard the door open and I turned around. 

My eyes went wide, Hagen was standing in the doorway looking at me. "Hagen, what are you doing here?" I asked walking back up the stairs. "Come in." Is all he said back to me. He moved out of the way, completely ignoring my question.

He walked me into the living room where I man was standing with a glass of alcohol in his hand. Hagen stood behind me with his arms crossed and the man turned around. 

He looked to be in his upper 40's, brunette hair, and blue eyes. "Alexandra?" The man asked putting his drink down. "Are you the one who texted me?" I asked crossing my arms. 

"That would be me." He nodded. "You've grown up tremendously since I last saw you." He looked me up and down. I'm starting to connect the dots. 

"You're him aren't you?" I asked in a deeper tone. "I am pretty popular around here. my name is Larce." He smiled slightly. 

My eyes went wide. I'm standing here looking at my father.

"You're my-" I began but my voice stopped by itself. "Father? Yes." He finished my sentence stepping closer but I backed up.

"Don't worry Alex, I didn't ask you here to hurt you. I asked you here to offer you a proposition," He began, as he picked his drink back up. 

"What is it exactly?" I laughed sarcastically. If he thinks im going to do anything for him he's sadly mistaken. 

"Join the mortels. Stand beside me and lead with your father." He proposed looking at me directly in the eyes. 

I laughed loudly without meaning to. "Father? You can't just call yourself that. You have to fill the role to have the job title." I shook my head. 

"I'm not joining the mortels. I'm 17 years old, I'm not going to go out mobbing and killing people on behalf of you." I responded with complete disgust filling my voice. 

"Sorry if I was too direct. Regardless of how you think of it, I am your father. Also, that's not what we do. You talk about it like it's so black and white." He spoke up again, trying to explain it to me in the vaguest way possible. 

"Then how is it?" I rubbed my hand through my hair. "We take care of business. Yes, we may have to take care of a few things here and there, but we're a family more than we are a gang." He tried explaining again but I still wasn't comprehending what he was saying. 

"Take care of business huh? Do you see my face? That's from two of your men that attacked me." I responded, raising my voice at him. 

"That was a test. I sent two of my best men out to test your abilities and you took them both out." He looked at me proudly. "You have so much potential to lead when I step down." He continued. 

"I'm not joining, period," I spoke clearly to him. "I wish you would reconsider, there could be certain consequences if you keep resisting." He looked off to the side nonchalantly. 

"I have nothing to lose larce, you already have my mother." I raised my voice again. "Really? This Ethan character seems pretty important," My head snapped in his direction, causing him to smirk at my sudden attentiveness. 

"How do you even know about him?" I shook my head confused. He pointed behind me and I saw Hagen still standing there. "Hagen is a very good set of eyes and ears on the inside." Larce smiled. 

I looked at Hagen. I was so nice to him, offered him friendship when he first got here. "If you even think about touching him, I swear you'll regret it." I glared at larce, warning him. 

"Hey, no need to get riled up Alexandra. You can prevent all of this. Just join us. It isn't that hard." He shrugged walking over to me. 

"Hagen also enlightened me how good you are with the bow and arrow, that would be a new helpful skill you could provide us with. You're strong Alex, you fit in here so well." He was now standing directly in front of me. 

"What the hell Larce?" I heard I deep voice behind me. I turned around and saw Jordyn standing there. Hagen put his hand on his chest trying to prevent him from passing but he slapped it away. 

"Can I help you, Jordyn?" Larce asked innocently. "Why the hell is she here?" Jordyn asked pulling me behind him. 

"Father-daughter bonding." Larce shrugged, smiling at Jordyn. "I told you not to involve her," Jordyn said back sternly, making Larce laugh.

"You're saying that like it's supposed to mean something. Who's in charge here?" Larce asked stepping closer to Jordyn.

Jordyn stood tall in front of me. "Mr. protector huh?" Larce mocked him, standing up to him back. 

"Look, Jordyn, it looks like you're having trouble remembering where you stand, let me remind you," Larce spoke coldly as his smile began to fade. 

He grabbed the metal pole-sitting beside the fireplace and hit Jordyn in the side of the knee making him buckle in front of me. He hit him again in the same spot, making Jordyn groan in pain. I heard a cracking noise, causing my eyes to grow wider.

"Larce stop!" I yelled, stepping in front of Jordyn. "There's the boldness, daughter." He smiled throwing the pole down. 

"Think again before you want to be disobedient Jordyn. I've always wished you had the devotion of your brother." Larce scolded him, shaking his head. 

"Alex, you have till school ends to decide, do us all a favor, make the right decision." He smiled at me before exiting the room.

I felt tears threatening to spill, but I can't stop and feel emotions, I need to help Jordyn. I bent down quickly and looked at the knee that had been it. I pulled the knife out of my waistband and cut a hole in his jeans so I could see how bad it was.

It was turning a purple color and it was bleeding. It looked out of place, he needs to get to a hospital. "I need to take you to a hospital," I spoke, looking down at him.

"Really Alex, I'm fine." He responded slowly. Judging by the vein popping out of his neck and the water at the rim of his eyes he looked real 'fine.' 

"Shut the hell up. You're going." I spoke sternly, grabbing his arm and helping him up. 


I was driving to the hospital with Jordyn in the passenger seat, and I had thoughts racing through my mind. 

"What are you going to do?" Jordyn asked in a raspy voice. "I honestly have no clue, Jordyn." I rubbed my head gripping the steering wheel. 




 2 updates in 1 night. wow, im proud. 

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