Chapter | Three

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Tuesday - at school

I walked into third period twenty minutes early and sat down with thoughts racing through my mind. On my way to class, I passed Jordyn in the hallway and he just smirked at me. It sent chills down my spine. I need to go to the bathroom and take a few breaths before I have an anxiety attack. I put my bag on the back of my chair and walked out of the classroom into the hall full of students. I always get to class super early to avoid all of these people but today is an exception, I just need five minutes by myself even if it is locked in a nasty confined stall. I kept my head down as I made my way between crowds. I ran right into someone, probably because I was looking down at the floor like a fucking idiot. Second time this week. 

"Two times in a row this morning Alex, I'm starting to enjoy this." I heard a deep, taunting voice say from above me. I look up and saw Jordyn standing there with a smile plastered across his face. 

I ignored his comment and tried to go around him but he grabbed my wrist. "Not even a hello? that's not how you treat a friend." He laughed as he shoved me up against the locker. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and my back sting from the harsh metal. 

"We are not friends, Jordyn. You made sure of that." I responded with pure hatred in my voice. His eyes were searching mine like his life depended on it, for what, I'm not sure. He pushed me up against the lockers with a little more pressure causing me to let out a deep breath. No one noticed this charade, too busy selling drugs. Classic Lynbrook high. He had ahold of both my wrists. He's just on a power trip Alex, don't feed into it. 

"Now that's a little harsh Alex. Your harshness may cause me to lash out, again." He held a smirk on his face. My heart began to race thinking about my brother. When I saw him in the hospital, I thought he was dead. He was stable by the time I got to him, but physically he looked horrible. He was almost unrecognizable. His face still has scars.

"Stop! Okay, just stop!" I raised my voice at him in desperation. The image of my brother has my blood boiling. "Whatever you want, I don't have." I told him, clearly exasperated. My wrists were hurting and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. 


Jackson, Landon, Grayson, and I were all standing by my locker talking about the party plans. What girls we're bringing, who's bringing the drinks, etc. I heard a girl yell, causing me to glance over my shoulder. I couldn't see where she was coming from due to the number of kids in the hallway. 

"What was that?" Jackson asked, scanning the hallway along with me. 

"Does it matter?" Landon laughed looking down at his phone. I mean at this school you hear things like that on the daily, but Jackson isn't letting it go. Long story short he had to watch his mom get abused by his dad growing up, he doesn't tolerate any type of guy putting his hands on a girl. We all turned our heads back around until we heard it again.

Jackson started walking toward the yell without another word. Grayson and I followed, but Landon stayed back. He probably didn't even notice that we walked away. We stopped when we saw a tall guy, that has someone pinned against the lockers. He's tall, with a built figure, and tattoos going up to his shirt sleeve. 

I turned to see who was in front of him, it was Alex. "Isn't that the girl that rejected you at that food place the other day?" Grayson asked, trying to get a better look.

"Yeah, it is." I answered quietly. She's holding a tint of fear in her eyes, and impatience is visible like she's dealt with him before. Why is he treating her like that? She's seems like a nice girl, she doesn't bother anybody. 


"Maybe I missed you, Alexandra. Maybe I just want quality time." He said to me, bringing his face closer to mine. Ironically, I've always had the biggest crush on Jordyn. Call it the best friend's brother curse, but I did. It wasn't a secret that he had one on me as well. Now, I can't see or feel anything for him. 

"You wouldn't have had to miss me if you wouldn't have tried to kill my brother." My voice was monotone. I don't want to give him the impression that I'm scared anymore. That's what he wants. He laughed at what I said, causing me to furrow my brows. His eyes were burning holes in mine. It's like his laughs and smiles aren't reaching his eyes. Something is seriously wrong with him. I was losing feeling in my wrist the more time went on. 

"Messing with you will get a reaction out of Ryan. That's a good angle I can play. Does he still act like he's your little protector?" He mocked the last part of the sentence. "Oh, I guess he is now that mommy dearest left." He added, causing me to shake my head at his pure disregard for me and my feelings. I felt my eyes watering at the harsh words that were coming out of his mouth. Each word felt like it was hitting me in the gut. 

"What the hell is your problem?" I heard a deep voice from behind him. 

"Oh, we have an audience now Alexandra," Jordyn laughed as he looked back over to me momentarily. He let go of my wrist and turned to face them. Ethan, Grayson, and Jackson were all standing there looking between Jordyn and me, confused but with a hint of anger in their eyes.

"No, but what but you do have is someone that will beat your ass if I see you put your hands on another girl." Jackson spoke angrily, stepping in front of Ethan and Grayson. Things are going to get worse if I don't interject.

"Look it's not worth it, I'm fine let's just go to class." I pleaded, looking between them. Jackson's eyes were so narrowed on Jordyn. He didn't glance at me one time. 

"Alexandra, how sweet, protecting them." My heart skipped a beat. If he thinks they mean something to me, they'll be next on his shitlist. 

"I'm not protecting anyone, but I wouldn't wish your bullshit upon anyone else." I snapped. 

"Alex, this has been fun, but I gotta bounce. I hope we can talk again later." Jordyn said to me while smiling. He slowly pushed past me, keeping eye contact with me the whole time. What in the world? He blows through and pins me against the locker, then bounces as if nothing happened. He wasn't even scared that three out of the four biggest guys in school were just standing in front of him. Now I'm pissed off at myself for them getting involved. Jordyn takes everything to heart, even some dumb 'stick up for the damsel' in the hallway move. They could get messed up for one simple act.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked, interrupting my thoughts and walking towards me. He was looking down at my wrist which was throbbing where his hands were. 

"I'm fine I just need to get to class," I responded looking down. I started walking but I stopped in my tracks.

"You can't do that again, you have no idea what he'll do to you." I said sternly, looking at them with worry plastered on my face. Ethan looked at me then looked to the floor. I turned and walked toward my third period class, trying to hold myself together.




tbh I love writing but I don't get that many reads so I get really unmotivated:// anyway if you're reading this hope you liked it comment and vote :)

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