Just a Chat

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Last time on A World to Remember...

The girl as shoulder-length brown hair that covers her left eye and wears a purple shirt with a black symbol on it, blue jeans, and red sneakers.
"Hi," Jesse says, turning to see Hannah with the girl. "Who are you?"

Now on A World to Remember...

The girl waves. "I'm Icane. You're the Order of the Stone, right?"
"How did you know?" Olivia asked, surprised that they were recognized in this world.
"Yeah that's us," Jesse says. "And this is my sister Feona." She points to her as she said her name, and Feona waves.
Icane smiled and waved at Feona. "A girl came through here some time ago, her name is Nell. She told me about you."
"Oh wow. Well, it's nice to meet you Icane!" Jesse says.
"Pleasure's mine," Icane says. "I heard one of you had a child, congrats."
"Thank you," Feona says, smiling. "I'm very sore though. I can get over it though."
"I'll make some pain killers," Hannah said, then left.
"I've yet to have kids, so I wouldn't know. Where I'm from, twenty is a young age to have kids. Since I'm almost eighteen..." Icane says.
"Yeah, we did not intend on having a child, but it is what it is right Lukas?" Feona says.
Lukas grinned. "Well, I'm not complaining about being a dad."
Icane faced Nanette. "Imagine we're like that some day."
"You know me better than that," Nanette says.
"How long have you known each other?" Feona asks.
"Two years," Icane and Nanette said at the same time.
"Wow," Feona says, her eyes widening. "Me and Lukas have known each other or 3 years, and we've been together for 2."
"I've known Hannah for 3. I was adventuring, just like you," Icane said. "It was night, and she took me to her place."
"Wow, were you from a different world like us?" Jesse asks.
"Yep," Icane says, nodding. "Nanette's from my world. Hannah's from here."
"Wow, that's so cool!" Feona says, and then tenses. "Hooo this is sore."
Nanette grumbled something to herself, not edible for the others to hear.
Hannah came in with another potion and hands it to Feona. "This should help significantly."
Feona takes it, and the pain was relieved almost immediately. "Thank you. I'm gonna try to go back to sleep."
"Good idea," Icane says.
"Sleep well," Hannah says.
Feona went back to sleep, and Jesse smiles, watching her sister a little bit. "I love her so much. I'm glad she found a boy like you Lukas. You are just as protective of her as me and Jay (their brother) are."
"I love her, of course I'm protective," Lukas says, smiling.
Nanette suddenly snapped her attention to Lukas.
"Yeah," Jesse says. "Who knew that you 2 would fall in love, even with the rivalry we had with your old group. It's just crazy."
Lukas laughed. "Who knew we'd become good friends?"
"Yeah," Jesse says. "Imagine what Jay's reaction would be when we come back with the baby."
Lukas smiled. "We'll see."
"Maybe we should leave the room so we don't wake Feona," Icane suggests.
"Yeah, that's a great idea," Jesse says, starting to walk away. She turns to see Rueben running to Feona and jumping on the bed. "Rueben no!" Jesse whispered, trying to stop him.
He circled around himself and layed down at her feet. He fell asleep himself.
"I guess he'll stay with her," Jesse says, laughing as she watched them sleep.
Icane giggled. "Pigs are so cute."
"I thought you were a wolf person," Nanette says.
"I still like pigs," Icane says in her defense.
"Yeah, Rueben is amazing," Jesse says as she walks out. "We both are lucky to have him as a pet."
"Careful Jesse," Olivia says. "He doesn't like being called a pet, remember?"
"I used to have a pet, a little black kitten," Icane said.
"Aw. What happened to it?" Jesse asks.
"As the weirdo, everyone wanted to pick on me. This one group..." she starts.
"They killed it to mess with her," Nanette said.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry," Jesse says. "Actually, Rueben was dead for a while, and then he came back to life about a year ago. It was crazy, and me and Feona missed him so much (hinting the plot of Maybe All We Are's a Secret)."
Icane gave Jesse a startled look. "How did he come back?"
"I don't know, he just did," Jesse says, her eyes tearing up at the though, but wipes at her eyes, not wanting to cry now. "I'm happy he's back though."
"I bet," Icane said. "I'd be happy if Cuddles came back, but my world is a pretty bad one."
"Yeah," Axel says.
Jesse hears whimpering in the other room, and she runs into the room, seeing Feona sitting up quickly and starting to cry.
"Guys something's wrong with Feona!" Jesse calls as she runs to her sister's side.

Next time on A World to Remember, the others will find out what is wrong with Feona, and then venture out to a temple. What will happen while they are there? Will they be okay? Find out next time on A World to Remember.
Celebrate life! :)

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