A Scary Encounter

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"You heading to the temple finally?" Icane asks.

"Yeah," Jesse says. "We are ready."

"Cool," Icane says. "Keep your swords out, some animals are pretty hostile."

Jesse takes out her enchanted diamond sword from when she defeated the wither storm, and Jay takes out his as well.

Now on A World to Remember...

*With Feona*

"So Hannah, tell me about life here," Feona says, wanting to talk to her. "I am curious."

Hannah sits back in a chair. "This dimension isn't exactly friendly, but not hostile either. Kind of in between. It's mostly uncivilized..."

"How uncivilized?" Feona asks.

"Only a couple towns in the entire world," Hannah says.

"Wow," Feona says. "The only town that I know about in my world is Beacontown and that's it." (IcaneC what I was trying to say here was that Feona has never been to others towns besides Beacontown since Feona wasn't there when the gang defeated the wither storm. She was there when Rueben died though because soon after it was defeated, she came to them.)

"Really? No Boomtown? No Redstonia?" Hannah says.

"Well I'm talking about towns that I have lived in," Feona says, laughing.

Hannah shrugs. "We only have a couple in the ENTIRE world, not kidding. The nearest one is eight miles away."

"Wow," Feona says. "Have you ever been to them?"

"I've passed through them, I'm more of a wilderness person," Hannah says.

"Yeah I'm the same way," Feona says. "I love adventuring and I love to explore new places." She yawns a little.

"You go to bed," Hannah says, giving her and Petra blankets.

"Thanks Hannah so much for helping us have our babies and taking care of us," Petra says as she gets a blanket and spreads it around her.

"I'm glad to help," Hannah says. "You guys go to sleep."

"Okay," Feona says, and then falls asleep, along with Petra.

*With the others*

"Okay, tell me all that happened when you guys came into this world, I want to know," Jay says as they walked toward the temple.

"Hannah found us pretty quickly, thank goodness," Lukas started. "Feona went into labor almost as soon as she did."

"Yeah she tried to hide the fact she was going into labor, but then she gave in and said she was contracting," Jesse says. "It was pretty crazy."

"Hannah delivered the girl, Jessica, and we left to explore the temple while Fee recovered, but then Fee went into labor with the boy, Chason."

"Yeah. There was this fog that came around us when we were heading there the first time, and I was concerned. Then we discovered Fee was in labor with Chason. Man my heart raced when I saw the look on her face when we came back."

"Advantage of having a wind spirit friend," Icane says.

"It was shortly after that we went to bed and woke up in the morning," Lukas finished. "That's when Icane here pulled you through that... portal?"

Icane nods. "Yeah, I can summon them."

A random person wearing a red and black cloak and black scarf over their face and a red shirt, black shoes, black pants, and has a sword in each hand. They jump from a tree, knocking Jesse's sword from her hand and putting their swords to Jesse's throat. "Drop your weapons, all of you, or I'll kill her."

Jesse's eyes teared up as this happened. "What is happening to me?" she wondered.

The others put down their weapons, getting scared themselves.

"Let her go-" Icane starts to say.

"No! She had a weapon pulled on you!" the guys says.

"I TOLD her to have their weapon out, let go of her!" Icane says, yelling slightly.

The guy lets her go. "...sorry... I thought you were gonna attack my girlfriend."

Jesse ran to Jay on instinct. She always runs to him when she's scared since he is her older brother. "It's okay..." she says to the guy.

"Not really..." the guy says. "Innocent people don't deserve to be scared..."

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Icane suggests.

"O-oh, yeah," he says, extending his hand. "I'm Cornerius."

"I'm Jesse, and this is Jay my older brother," Jesse says. "The others are Axel, Olivia, and Lukas. We have more of our group, but they are back at Hannah's house."

"Oh, explorers!" Cornerius says.

"They're from a different world," Icane says.

Cornerius scratches the back of his neck. "Now I feel even worse about that..."

"It's okay," Jesse says. "The other 2 people in our group are resting because they both had babies either yesterday or today."

"... You decided to explore with pregnant people?!" Cornerius asks, shocked.

"Thank you!" Nanette says, glad that somebody gets her point.

Jesse sighs uneasily, getting tired of people mentioning that. "We didn't know this would happen honestly, especially with Petra since their baby was supposed to be born 3 weeks from now not today."

"Cornerius and I are protective of kids," Nanette says.

Cornerius nods in agreement.

"Yeah, and me and Jay will be protective of them, especially our sister's babies," Jesse says.

"And my daughter too," Jay added.

"Yeah of course," Jesse says.

"Good," Nanette says.

Next time on A World to Remember, the Order of the Stone, Nanette, Icane, and Cornerius will be heading to the temple. What kind of things will they see? What will happen while there? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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