Something's Wrong

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Last time on A World to Remember...

Jesse goes back into the living room and she sees Feona. "Good morning sis," she whispers, making sure to be quiet to not wake up Hannah.

"Good morning," Feona says, smiling at her sister. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I did thanks," Jesse says. "Want to get breakfast?"

"Yes, I am hungry," Feona says, getting up carefully.

Now on A World to Remember...

They went to the dining room, where a counter with breakfast stuff was there, and they got what they wanted and sat down.

"I'm gonna go and tell the others they can come in," Jesse says, going back. When she came back to the others, she smiled. "One of you can come back with me to get breakfast, me and Feona already have ours."

"Great, who's next?" Olivia says.

"I'll go," Petra says.

"I'll stay here with the others until everyone gets their's and then I'll come back," Jesse says.

"No, I'll just let everyone go when two more people can go, don't worry," Nanette says.

"Okay, come on Petra," Jesse says, walking to the dinning room.

They come back, and Feona smiles at Petra. "Good morning Petra."

"Good morning Feona," Petra says, smiling as she got her food. "How do you feel?"

"Sore from the twins yesterday, but I'm okay," Feona says.

Hannah was in her wolf form asleep on the living room couch, curled into a ball and is oddly adorable despite her large size.

Icane was in the kitchen and looks like she just finished cooking. "Let me know if you want anything else."

"Thanks Icane," Jesse says, and then gasped at another pain. "Ow..."

Feona immediately took her hand, squeezing it gently. "It's okay sis, breathe," she says, being calm.

Lukas and Olivia came over.

"You doing ok?" Lukas asked.

"Yeah, just concerned about Jesse right now," Feona says, looking up and smiling at her boyfriend.

"Well that's good," Lukas says, and then takes some food and sits down.

"Geez, who cooked?" Olivia asked. "There's a lot!"

"I wasn't sure what you like, so I made a bit of everything," Icane says.

"Well, it looks so good," Petra says. "Thank you for taking care of us. I don't know what we would be doing if you guys haven't found us."

Icane giggles. "It's fine, we like to help people."

Feona tenses a little bit herself as her stomach hurt a little. "I'm still really sore from having Jessica and Chason yesterday. But I'm fine, don't worry."

"The soreness might not go for a bit," Icane says.

"Okay," Feona says, nodding.

Jesse relaxed as the pain went away, and she starts to eat. "Oh my gosh Icane this is so good!"

Icane grins. "Thanks. Where's Rueben, by the way? I have some carrots for him."

"How did you know he likes carrots?" Lukas asks.

Rueben ran into the room right as his name was mentioned, and Feona laughed. "There he is."

Icane sets down a bowl of carrots for Rueben. "Most pigs like carrots."

Hannah's ears perk up at the sound of Rueben running and she wakes up.

Yeah especially him," Jesse says, laughing as she watched Rueben eat. "He's loved carrots ever since he was little. Right Fee?"

"Mhm," Feona says, nodding.

Hannah changes to human form. "Icane, why didn't you wake me?"

Icane giggles. "Last time I did that, you almost bit me. No thanks."

Jesse shook her head, trying not to laugh.

Feona did the same thing, but she lost it after a while. "Sorry I just coudn't help it," Feona says.

"It's fine, I still laugh about it, too," Icane says.

Hannah blushes. "I was having a nightmare. I panicked."

Feona tensed a little as she felt the same knee that she hurt when they landed in the world. "Is that normal?" She wondered.

"Everything ok?" Hannah asked, noticing Feona tense.

"Yeah, just the same knee I hurt when we landed in this world is hurting again," Feona says.

Hannah got concerned. "I splashed you with healing..."

"I know, it's weird," Feona says, shrugging it off.

Petra goes into the other room for a second, and Jesse looks over at her, concerned.

Hannah pulls out another healing potion. "Try this, maybe the last one didn't completely fix it."

Feona takes it, and her knee starts to feel better. "Thanks Hannah," she says, starting to eat again.

Petra doesn't come back, and Jesse gets worried. "Guys, I think something's up with Petra."

"I'll check on her," Icane says. A portal appears below her and she goes into the room Petra's in.

Petra was on the couch, breathing uneasily. She didn't want the others to freak out, so she kept quiet. She jumped as she saw Icane come in. "Oh hey."

Icane sits next to her. "Everything ok?"

Petra shakes her head, the pain getting worse. "I wish my boyfriend was here."

"Why what's wrong?" Icane asks, getting concerned.

She sighs. "I'm getting pain, and I don't know what it is," she says, and then tenses. "I usually go to my boyfriend about stuff like this though."

"How bad do you wish he was here?" Icane asked.

Petra couldn't answer, for she didn't know if the pain will get worse. "Not really bad I don't think."

"Well, say the word and I'll get him, ok?" Icane says. "Don't try to tough it out if it starts getting bad."

"Okay thank you," Petra says, and she walks back to the dinning room.

Next time on A World to Remember, we will be finding out what is wrong with Petra. What could be wrong with her? Will she be okay? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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