Yet Another Baby

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"I'm sorry, I knew we should've both waited Petra," Feona says. "You need to lay down."

"Yeah babe, you need to right now," Jay says, starting to help Petra up.

"Icane, you should go," Hannah says.

"Gladly," Icane says, and then disappears into a portal.

Petra went into the living room and layed down on a couch, trying to relax. Jay went to her side and grabbed her hand.

Now on A World to Remember...

"If you're not family, get out," Nanette says.

"Does that include family of the father of the child? Like me and Feona?" Jesse asks.

"Whatever, you two can stay. Everyone else out!" Nanette says.

*The others leave*

Petra starts breathing uneasily again, and she squeezed Jay's hand really hard. "Ow..."

"Ok, Petra, you can do this. Take a deep breath," Hannah says, focusing on the situation.

Petra takes a deep breath. "I'm scared..." she admits.

"That's ok, it's a scary thing," Hannah says.

"Hey, you can do this, you're strong," Jesse says, taking Petra's other hand.

"Yeah, what Jess said," Jay said, kissing Petra's head.

Petra breathes heavily as another contraction went through her. "Ah!"

"Ok, deep breath... then push!" Hannah says, trying to be encouraging.

Petra takes a deep breath, and then pushed as hard as she could.

"Come on Petra you can do this," Feona says. "If I did it, you can too."

"You're doing good. Again," Hannah says.

Petra took another breath and pushed again, harder than the other.

Jesse got another Lactus Celliosis pain as Petra pushed and she walked away to where the others were.

"Are you okay Jesse?" Axel asks as he sees Jesse come into the room.

She shakes her head, breathing hard.

"Is it Lactus Celliosis?" Lukas asked.

"Yeah..." Jesse says, sitting down and grasping her stomach.

"I'm sure they'll help you as soon as Petra's better," Olivia says.

"Yeah," Jesse says.

*With Petra*

Petra pushes again, screaming in pain.

"Come on Petra you can do this!" Jay says, rubbing her hand with his.

"Ok, one more time. You're doing great," Hannah says, looking at Petra.

Petra took one more deep breath and pushed with all her might.

"There you go... a healthy girl," Hannah says, smiling.

Petra sits back, collecting her breath. "Omg Jay we did it."

"No, you did it, you did great," Jay says, giving her a kiss.

Hannah giggles. "Want to hold her?"

"Yes," Petra says, smiling. "Thank you so much Hannah."

Jesse notices the quietness after she heard a scream from Petra, and then a baby crying. "Aw she had the baby," Jesse says, smiling.

Hanna gives her the baby. "You'll need to name her, and also you'll need your rest."

"And don't ever even THINK of adventuring while pregnant again!" Nanette says sternly.

"Lesson learned," Petra says, looking at her daughter. "I think I wonna name her Amelia."

"Aw I like that," Jay says, smiling.

Hannah giggles. "Nanette, will you get the others?"

Nanette nods and goes to get the others.

Jesse looks up as Nanette walked in. "Is Petra okay?"

"Yes, she's fine," Nanette says.

"I walked out while she had the baby because I got another pain," Jesse says. "Just in case you were worried."

"No, I noticed," Nanette says. "Petra might worry."

"Can we go see her and the baby?" Jesse asks right as Feona walks in.

"It's a girl," Feona says, smiling. "Jay is a proud father now, and Petra is a proud mother."

"Yeah, you can go in," Nanette says.

They all walk in, and Petra smiles as she saw her friends. "Hey guys. Meet Amelia, mine and Jay's daughter."

"She is so cute Petra," Jesse says, walking towards her. "She looks so much like you."

"... does she really?" Nanette asks.

"Yes, she does," Hannah says.

"Yeah, it's like a mini me," Petra says. "The only difference is she has Jay's nose."

"..." Nanette coudn't speak.

"You can't tell?" Olivia asked.

Nanette taps the cloth over her eyes.

"Oh yeah I forgot," Axel said. "Is that the only baby she is going to have? I am afraid we will get surprised again like we did with Feona."

"Is it ok if I check?" Hannah asks.

"You could take it off," Olivia says.

Nanette snaps her attention to Olivia and seems to be glaring.

"Yeah you can check Hannah," Petra says, nodding.

Hannah changes into wolf form and sniffs her.

Olivia backed off, like as if she was intimidated.

Feona came to Olivia and gave her a hug. "Hey, we've all done something like that before."

Nanette sighs and crosses her arms. "You don't want me to take this off, believe me."

Hannah changes back to human form. "She's fine, no other children."

"Okay good," Petra says, sighing in relief. "That was painful to go through."

"Yeah, dido on that," Feona says. "And I had to go through it twice."

"Well that's the end of that," Hannah says.

"Unless someone else wants to admit to being pregnant?" Nanette says, looking annoyed.

"I'm not," Jesse says, putting her hands up. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"I'm not pregnant, either!" Olivia says.

Nanette growled quietly. "Good, because if another baby's life had been at risk, I'd-"

Hannah stuffs a baked potato in her mouth. "You can chill now." (Lol that was funny for me to type @IcaneC honestly. Just that part in general)

Next time on A World to Remember, Petra will be recovering from having Amelia. Will she be sore like Feona was after having the twins? What will happen next? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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