An Upsetting Reminder

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Last time on A World to Remember...

Both Icane and Nanette go pale.

"What does he mean by that?" Jesse asks, and Feona nods, wanting to know as well.

Icane crosses her arms and doesn't seem to want to answer.

"Our world isn't like that..." Nanette says.

"Rueben is our pet pig actually," Jesse says, pointing to herself, Jay, and Feona.

Rueben got mad at being called a pet, and Jesse realized what she said. "Sorry buddy!"

Now on A World to Remember...

"Animals are pets?" Cornerius asks. "Here they're equal to humans."

"And they're all butchered where we're from..." Nanette grumbles.

Hannah flinches when Nanette says that.

Jesse flinched as well when Nanette mentioned a butcher. She remembered when at Endercon Rueben almost got butchered by a butcher, but she saved him. "Ugh I don't like that word because Rueben actually almost got butchered himself once."

"Our world isn't given a choice," Nanette says. "It's either that or starve to death."

I'm just glad I could leave..." Icane says.

Cornerius pats Icane's back comfortingly.

Rueben oinked something to Hannah.

"What did he say? Feona asks, watching curiously.

Hannah seems caught off guard. "I wasn't really listening."

"I thought Jesse was able to understand him," Olivia says. "She always seemed to be able to before."

"I can still understand him, I just sometimes can't, and it bothers me when I can't," Jesse says. "But I understood what he said. He said something about when he almost got butchered."

"...oh," Hannah says.

"What happened was I told him to run when we were being attacked by mobs, and he ran. I soon found him after, and a butcher almost got him, but I threatened him with my sword, and he let him go," Jesse explains.

Hannah grins. "Well that's good. I'm glad you protected him."

"Feona, you are lucky that you weren't there when it happened," Jesse says. "You would've cried."

"Yeah I would have definitely," Feona says, agreeing with Jesse.

"So would Axel," Olivia says.

"No I wouldn't!" Axel says, crossing his arms. "The only time I cried was when he died."

Feona's eyes teared up at the mention of that, and she ran out of the room to avoid crying in front of them.

Olivia hits Axel. "First off, good going. Second off, yes you have, after we beat the admin and Petra was about to go adventure."

Hannah follows Feona.

Jesse runs after Feona as well, Jay following behind her. They came into the room, and Feona was sobbing, her head in her hands. "Sis..." Jesse says, going to her and sitting next to her. "It's okay. He's alive."

"I know, it just doesn't help that Axel mentioned it, and the nightmares I had about him," Feona sobs, not looking up.

Hannah sits next to her and motions for Jesse and Jay to give her a minute. "Feona... look at me."

Feona looks up, tears still going down.

Hannah motions for Jesse and Jay to leave and wipes Feona's tears away. "Now, listen to me... remember that Rueben is back, ok?"

Jesse and Jay went away, leaving Hannah and Feona.

"I know, but I am still sensitive about when people mention when he died," Feona says. "Even at the mention of his death, I cannot help but cry."

"That's ok, it means you love Rueben, but keep in mind you got something that many people could only dream of having."

"Yeah, I love him so much," Feona says, wiping at her eyes. "Can you get Lukas please?"

Hannah sighs and gets up. "I'm not done here, I want to finish this conversation later." She then leaves, Lukas coming in soon after.

Feona sighs, wiping at her eyes again. She looks up as Lukas walked in. "Hey babe... I'm sorry about this."

Lukas looked mad but relaxes a bit. "Why are YOU apologizing? It was Axel who caused you to cry."

"I know, but I feel like I already caused enough trouble since we came here," Feona says. "From having Jessica and Chason to all the other things. I'm not trying to say anything bad about them though. I love them."

"You're crazy if you think we're gonna get mad at you for this," Lukas says.

"Yeah I know," Feona says, getting up and hugging Lukas. "I feel better now. I'm gonna check on the twins and then go back to the dinning room to continue eating."

"Ok, you do that," Lukas says. "I'll see you back at the table."

Feona walks over to the twins, and she smiles. "Hey babies. I'm happy you are here. I will spend more time with you later." She gently touches both of them before walking back to the dinning room.

When she gets back, Icane and Cornerius are missing.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" Hannah asks.

"Yeah, thanks Hannah," Feona says as she sat down.

"Feona, I'm sorry for making you cry," Axel says. "I know you are still sensitive when people talk about that, and I shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay, I forgive you," Feona says, smiling.

Next time on A World to Remember, something happens to one of the crew. Who is it, and what will happen? How will it effect the others? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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