Lunch Part 1

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"Yeah, I was about to mention that," Jesse says, looking at Olivia.

"It hardly got me, it barely stings," Olivia says.

"Icane?" Hannah says, wanting to get information about what happened to Olivia.

"She tried to grab Nanette's sword," Icane explains. A portal appears and a cloth as well as a potion falls from it.

Back on A World to Remember...

Hannah catches them and starts looking at the cut. "I made some food if you want it, it's in kitchen."

"Yeah smelled food when I woke up, but I needed to stop crying before I went anywhere," Feona says. She smiles as she sees Lukas behind Jesse, and she ran into his arms. "Hey babe."

Lukas hugs her. "Hey sweetie."

Cornerius has blood all over him and in the cave entrance with his hood and scarf still covering his face. "Aw, you two are so cute."

"Wait what happened Cornerius?" Jesse asks, noticing the blood on him.

"I got in a fight with that murderer I mentioned," Cornerius says. "He won't be killing anyone ever again." He started to come inside.

"You are going straight to the bathroom and cleaning off that blood Cornerius!" Hannah says sternly.

Feona let go of Lukas as she heard Jessica crying. "I got to attend to her. Be right back." She walks to the crib where the twins were and picked up Jessica. She saw that she was hungry, so she started feeding her. "I love you so much girl."

Cornerius chuckles when he saw the babies then goes to the bathroom.

"We both love her," Lukas says.

Petra stirs as she heard all of the commotion, and she sits up. "Oh hey guys."

Hannah finishes with Olivia. "Hi Petra."

"Even though I was asleep, I heard what happened to you Jesse," Petra says. "How long does she have to wear the cast?"

"The potion should finish in about two days," Hannah says.

"Okay," Jesse says, nodding. "How long were we gone?"

Hannah shrugs. "Not very long."

"How long ago was Feona crying?" Jesse asks. "I get very concerned whenever she cries."

"Just before you came back," Hannah says.

"Sorry, Jesse asks a lot of questions when she's been gone for a little bit," Jay says.

"It's fine, I've seen worse," Hannah says.

"Yeah..." Feona says, yawning. "Come on, let's get food." She finishes with Jessica and puts her down. She goes to the kitchen, Jesse and Jay behind her.

The others follow.

Nanette seems a bit eager as she takes some food and sits down.

"I get it Nanette, you like Hannah's cooking," Icane says.

"Yeah breakfast this morning was delicious," Feona says as she grabbed food as well and sat down.

"Icane made breakfast, HANNAH made lunch," Nanette says. "Hannah is a cooking genius."

Icane crosses her arms and pouts.

Hannah blushes. "Nanette, you're making Icane feel bad."

Feona laughs. She looks at Lukas, who has been quiet. "How are you feeling babe?"

"I'm fine, just thinking," Lukas says.

"About what?" Feona asks curiously.

Lukas shrugs and sits back in his chair. "I just wonder if the animal thing for Hannah works for other animals."

"Yeah, Rueben communicated with her a little when I hurt my foot when I tripped over that rug before you guys left. He basically told on me," Feona says.

Lukas chuckled. "I mean, are there other animal half breeds?"

"Tons, wolves and wildcats are most common," Hannah says.

"Ow, that's cool," Feona says, smiling.

Jesse tenses a little as her wrist hurt. She ignored and bean eating.

Hannah notices. "The pain should pass soon, Jesse. Just give it about an hour."

Icane giggles and whispers to Nanette.

Nanette hits Icane lightly and whispers something back.

Jesse nods, looking at her wrist.

Feona looks at Rueben, remembering the past 2 nightmares she had about him. "Sis..." she says.

"Yeah?" Jesse says, looking over at her.

"I'm so glad Rueben's alive..." Feona says.

"Yeah me too," Jesse says.

"Dido on that," Jay says as well.

"I think we all are," Olivia says, and then giggles. "Remember when Axel gave him that dragon costume?"

Cornerius comes out of the bathroom with all the blood cleaned off and sits next to Icane.

Icane clears her throat. "Feona, Petra, this is Cornerius. He's my boyfriend."

Cornerius waves politely.

"Hi, I'm Feona," Feona says. "It's so nice to meet you."

"Yeah," Petra says. "I'm Petra. And this little guy is Rueben." She bends down to pet Rueben as she said that.

Corneriu chuckles. "Nice to meet you, too. I see you make friends with animals where you come from, too."

"Are there worlds that don't?" Olivia asks.

Both Icane and Nanette go pale.

"What does he mean by that?" Jesse asks, and Feona nods, wanting to know as well.

Icane crosses her arms and doesn't seem to want to answer.

"Our world isn't like that..." Nanette says.

"Rueben is our pet actually," Jesse says, pointing to herself, Jay, and Feona.

Rueben got mad at being called a pet, and Jesse realizes what she said. "Sorry buddy."

Next time on A World to Remember, something will make someone upset. Who will get upset? What made them upset? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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