A Baby Born

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"Why are you adventuring while pregnant?" Hannah says, immediately panicking.
"I thought I could handle it," Feona says. "I was doing fine until now."
"Sis, you need to lay down," Jesse says. "If you think you are contracting, then you need to lay down."
"Yeah, I think that would be grea- ow!" Feona says, trying not to scream.
"Come inside," Hannah says, going inside the cave.

Now on A World to Remember...

Jesse helps Feona go inside, holding her hand.
Soon, they found a place to lay down, and Feona sighed in relief. "Lukas, I can't believe this is happening now."
"We should have waited before exploring the portals..." Lukas says, not wanting to believe what was happening.
"Wait here, I'm gonna get some medicine," Hannah says, and then leaves.
"Yeah, I knew that was a bad idea," Feona says, then tenses again. "Ah!" She clutched her stomach, breathing heavily.
Lukas grabbed her hand, letting her squeeze it while she was having the contraction.
Hannah came back with another girl, holding a potion of some sort. "I brought something for the pain."
The other girl has long black hair, a black cloth over her eyes, a black and white shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. "Anyone who isn't family, out. Now," she said, indicating Petra, Axel, and Olivia.
Olivia, Axel, and Petra left, leaving Jesse and Lukas with Feona.
"What is that? And what does it do?" Feona asks nervously.
"Just pain killers, completely harmless. I didn't want you to be in severe pain," Hannah says, handing Feona the potion.
Feona took it, and the pain dims a little bit. Another contraction went through her, and she grasped Lukas' hand and squeezed it hard. "Hannah, I'm sorry for coming here having a baby."
"Wish I could say it was the first time," Hannah says. "Don't worry, I'm kinda used to serious situations like this."
Jesse knelt beside Feona on the other side and held her hand. "At least we are with people who know what to do Fee. I would be bad if you went into labor and nobody knew what to do. Thank you Hannah for taking care of us."
"Always glad to help," Hannah says. "Ok, this might be a weird question, but am I right to assume both parens are completely human?"
Feona nods, sighing as the pain went away. "Yes, we are both completely human," she says.
"Ok, good," Hannah says, nodding. "Try to relax, and remember to breathe."
The other girl looks at Jesse, despite the cloth over her eyes. "How old is she?" She asked.
"20 years old," Jesse says.
"Hm..." the girl said. "And has she done this before?"
Hannah faced Feona. "Ok, take a deep breath."
"No, this is her first time," Jesse says, right as Feona gets another contraction.
"Ow..." she says. "Lukas, please hold my hand."
Lukas held her hand tightly, supporting her the best he could.
"Feona, listen take a deep breath for me, ok?" Hannah says, getting serious.
Feona took a deep breath, squeezing Lukas' hand.
"What's going on Hannah?" Jesse asks, concerned about why she's telling Feona to take a deep breath.
"Don't worry, I'm just trying to get her to relax. Ok, Feona, you're doing great. Now push."
Feona pushes, screaming in pain.
Jesse jumps at her screaming, but she recollects herself and holds Feona's hand. "You're gonna do great sis."
"Ok, take another breath..." Hannah says, looking at Feona as she stopped pushing.
Feona takes another breath and pushes again, a little harder than the other.
*With Axel, Petra, and Olivia*
Petra hears Feona scream in pain, and she jumps. "Oh my gosh Olivia I can't believe the baby is coming now. I knew hey shouldn't have jumped in the portal with us."
"I tried to warn them," Olivia says, shaking her head.
The girl heard their conversation and came to them. "Didn't I tell you to leave?!" She says, getting mad a little.
"You're doing great, one more time," Hannah says, encouraging Feona.
"Sorry," Axel says, and they walk out.
"Ah!" Feona says as she pushes again, squeezing Lukas' hand really hard.
"Congrats! It's a healthy delivery!" Hannah says, smiling at Feona and Lukas.
Lukas grinned widely, happy to be a father.
Feona leans back, collecting her breath. "Oh my gosh... the baby's here..." she says. "Thank you so much Hannah for delivering the baby. We wouldn't have done this without you."
Hannah laughed. "Just be glad my friend Icane isn't here. Do you want to hold them?"
"Yes I would love to hold them," Feona says, opening her arms to let the baby in them.

Next time on A World to Remember, Feona will be recovering from giving birth. But little did she know that another surprise was bound to happen to all of them. Want to find out what it is? What could it be?! Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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