Landing In The World

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Jesse looks around, observing where she is. She doesn't recognize the place.
"Hello?" Jesse called.
She heard someone grunt as they fell to the ground and let out an "oof". Jesse turns around to see Lukas on the ground.
"Lukas are you okay?" Jesse asks, helping him up.
Lukas brushed himself off, looking around. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit of a rough landing."
Feona screams as she lands as well, landing right next to Lukas. "Lukas! You made it!"
Lukas chuckled at Feona saying that. "You watched me jump in."
"Well, I wanted to be sure you were here instead of somewhere else," Feona says, getting up herself. "Sis! I'm glad you made too!"
"Yeah of course I did," Jesse says, giving her sister a hug. "We just have to wait for the others to land."
Lukas backed away from the portal spawn area. "I think I've had enough of Axel landing on top of me."
Axel fell shortly after Feona did. "Ow that hurt," he says, getting up. "Hey, where are we?"
"I don't know Axel, I'm scared honestly," Jesse says, walking to him. "Lukas, do you recognize this place?"
"No. Ivor probably would. Maybe we should have brought him," Lukas said.
Olivia screamed as she lands next to Axel. "Why do we always have to fall in?"
"Well, we don't always fall," Lukas said.
"Yeah that's true," Feona says, and then tenses. She hurt her knee when she landed, but she doesn't want to say anything.
"Wait! Rueben isn't here yet!" Jesse says, running back to where the portal spawn area was so she could catch him.
Soon, he falls down and lands in Jesse's arms. He was scared for a second, but then realized he was in Jesse's arms.
"Hey buddy," Jesse says, petting him.
Feona walks over to Lukas, limping slightly. "What do we do now babe?"
"Why are you limping?" He asked, immediately concerned when he saw Feona limping.
"Okay, don't tell the others, but I hurt my knee when I landed," Feona says, tensing as her knee hurt a little bit.
"Why would we not tell the others?" Lukas asked.
"I don't want them to worry about me when we don't know where we are," Feona says.
"Fine, but if you need me to carry you, don't hesitate to ask," Lukas says.
"Guys, it's just woods around here. It doesn't even look like there are people," Olivia says, looking around.
"Hm, that's so weird," Jesse says, walking toward Olivia. "I don't know anywhere that there would be trees all around us but the forest in Beacontown." She let go of Rueben, letting him run around.
He ran to Feona and nudged her hard against her knee.
"Ow! Buddy!" Feona whisper shouted, clutching her knee for a second.
"You ok?" Lukas asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, it just hurt," Feona says, petting Rueben.
"You want me to carry you? I will," Lukas said.
"I'll walk for now, and when my knee becomes too unbearable for me, I'll ask you to carry me," Feona says.
"Well, we have forest areas in our world, maybe there's a nearby town..." Olivia said.
"Yeah maybe. Should we start walking?" Jesse asks.
"I say why not," Axel says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Sounds good to me," Olivia said.
Rueben ran back to Jesse, and Jesse laughed as she felt him rub against her leg. "Then let's get going," Jesse says, starting to walk, and then notices Feona clutching her knee a little. "Are you okay Fee?"
"Yeah," Feona says, smiling. "Just kind of out of breath from when I landed."
Jesse was suspicious, but she let go of it. He started to walk, and the others follow behind, Rueben running to catch up.
Olivia walked to Feona and spoke to her quietly. "I'll give you credit, you're a better liar than Jesse. You could still use some work though."
"What? Why do you think I am lying?" Feona asks, looking at Olivia with a weird face. She grabs Lukas' hand as well, just to be sure he is there.
"You're limping and clutching your knee. Plus, you think I didn't notice your reaction to Rueben?" Olivia says, pointing to Feona's knee.
"Oh," Feona says, looking down. "I thought none of you besides Lukas would notice. I guess I was wrong.
"Well, hopefully we find someone with a healing potion," Olivia says.
"Until then, I'm keeping close to her," Lukas says, squeezing Feona's hand gently.
"Thanks babe," Feona says, smiling.
They continued to walk, silence taking over the group.
"Do you guys have anything to talk about? I'm bored," Jesse says, yawning.
Olivia spoke up. "Well I-"
Before Olivia said anymore, a potion suddenly his Feona and she heals. Lukas, however, doesn't know it was a healing potion. He pulls out his bow.
"Woah, my knee feels better, but who was that?" Feona says, looking around nervously.

Next time on A World to Remember, Feona and the Order of the Stone will find out who threw the potion. Who can it be? What will happen after? Find out next time on A World to Remember.
Celebrate life! :)

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