Yet Another Injury

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"Cornerius and I are protective of kids," Nanette says.

Cornerius nods in agreement.

"Yeah, and me and Jay will be protective of them, especially our sister's babies," Jesse says.

"And my daughter too," Jay added.

"Yeah of course," Jesse says.

"Good," Nanette says.

Now on A World to Remember...

"Are you heading to the temple?" Cornerius asks, handing back Jesse's weapon.

"Yes we are," Jesse says as she got her diamond sword in her hand.

"You should be careful, there's a murderer on his way there," Cornerius says. "I was hunting him, that's when I came across you."

"Oh no..." Jesse says, getting a little scared. "I hope he doesn't get to us."

"I'll go with you, that way he'll be too busy with me to worry about you," Cornerius says.

"Okay, thanks Cornerius," Jesse says. "I forgive about the whole thing that happened earlier by the way."

Cornerius clears his throat. "Thanks... let's go."

*With Feona*

She stirred a little bit as she felt her foot hurt. She tried to ignore it the best she could, but it was hurting kind of badly. She sat up a little, looking around.

Hannah was sleeping in her wolf form but looks up at Feona when she stirs and tilts her head.

"Don't worry Hannah I'm okay, just sore a little bit," Feona says, noticing Hannah looking at her in her wolf form.

Hannah gets up and nuzzles her hand and gives her puppy eyes to get Feona to tell the truth.

"Really I'm okay," Feona says, laughing a little bit.

Rueben gets up slowly, noting that Feona's foot was hurt and jumps down and runs to Hannah.

Hannah notices and lays down so she's eye level with Rueben and barks something that only Rueben can understand. "Everything ok?" (Hannah can understand animals, along with talking to them, which I find so cool)

"Yeah, she doesn't want anyone to worry, but when she tripped on the rug earlier, she twisted her foot," Rueben oinks. (Hey, I had to play along)

Hannah changes to human form and pulls a healing potion out of her pocket. "If you keep hiding your injuries, you'll get yourself killed. You realize that?"

"I just don't want you guys to worry about me a lot," Feona says as she takes the healing potion. "It wasn't even hurting that bad honestly."

"It also doesn't take much to have your fingers cut off if you're drugged," Hannah says. "Doesn't mean it's not serious."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Feona says.

Petra stirs a little at the commotion and wakes up a little. "Is everything okay?" She asks.

"Feona has a bad habit of not telling people when she's hurt," Hannah explains. "I had to find out through Rueben." She then picks Rueben up and pets him.

"Feona, you need to stop that," Petra says, laughing.

"I know," Feona says sighing. She watches as Hannah pet Rueben, and she smiled.

Hannah pets Rueben a bit longer then sets him down. "Alright, little guy. Can you do me a favor and keep an eye on Fee? I don't want her getting hurt again and not telling me."

Rueben nods in understanding, oinking a little.

He hops on the couch and accidentally landed on Feona's bad foot. "Ow buddy!" Feona says, looking at him with pain in her eyes.

"I also need you to be careful around her," Hannah adds. "She seems accident prone..."

"Hey I don't try to be!" Feona says, crossing her arms.

"No one does," Hannah says.

Feona just shakes her head, and then tenses a little bit when her foot hurt again. "I'm gonna try to go back to sleep."

"Drink that potion first," Hannah says.

Feona drank the potion, and her foot felt better. "Thanks Hannah." She says before laying back down and going back to sleep.

Hannah giggles quietly and changes back to wolf form, going back to sleep as well.

Petra tensed a little as her stomach hurt, but it was just sore from having Amelia. "Man today is going to be a long day..." she thought as she went back to sleep.

Hannah got up again after a minute and changes back to human form. She went to the kitchen, returning with some carrots for Rueben. She went back to sleep afterward, in her wolf form once again.

Rueben happily ate the carrots, looking up at Feona.

*With the others*

"How close are we from the temple?" Jesse asks as she walked beside Jay.

Cornerius pushed back a tree branch to reveal a clearing with a temple, which is huge and made of stone. "We're here."

"Oh wow, it's so big," Jay says, looking at the temple wide eyed.

"Yeah, I can't wait to explore it," Jesse says.

"You guys go ahead," Cornerius says.

"Okay," Jesse says, starting to walk towards the temple with Jay behind her.

Next time on A World to Remember, they will be exploring the temple. What could be lurking around the corner? What will happen to them? Will everyone be okay? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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