A New Friend

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Last time on A World to Remember...

"Congrats! It's a healthy delivery!" Hannah says, smiling at Feona and Lukas.
Lukas grinned widely, happy to be a father.
Feona leans back, collecting her breath. "Oh my gosh... the baby's here..." she says. "Thank you so much Hannah for delivering the baby. We wouldn't have done this without you."
Hannah laughed. "Just be glad my friend Icane isn't here. Do you want to hold them?"
"Yes I would love to hold them," Feona says, opening her arms to let the baby in them.

Now on A World to Remember...

Hannah handed Feona the baby. "Anyway, I didn't get properly introduce you. This is my friend Nanette." She motioned towards Nanette, who was just standing there.
Nanette waved.
"Hi," Feona says, smiling at Nanette.
Jesse waves too, smiling. "Thank you guys so much for helping my sister."
"No problem," Hannah says.
"Unfortunately, we can't let you go for a couple days," Nanette says.
"Why not?" Feona asks, concerned.
"You're not in good traveling condition," Hannah says. "You just gave birth after all."
"Okay, but what are gonna do while I recover?" Feona asks.
"My friends and I will make sure you and your friends are taken care of," Hannah starts. "They can explore the nearby woods during that time."
"You, however, are going to rest," Nanette says, indicating Feona.
Feona yawns right as Nanette said that she needed to rest. "Yeah, I am really tired. I'm going to sleep."
"Okay sis, love you and sleep well," Jesse says, giving her a kiss on her forehead.
"Love you too," Feona says, and then falls asleep.
Hannah took the baby from Feona. "I've got a crib in another room. Nanette will go get your friends."
Nanette left and goes to the others.
*With the others*
"Hope Feona is okay, she sounded like she was in so much pain," Petra says, looking in the cave a little bit.
"Yeah, but she's strong, so she can do this," Axel says. "Oh here comes that other girl."
"Child birth is pretty painful," Olivia said, and then faced Nanette when she saw her.
"Your friend and her child are ok," Nanette says.
"Yay, it is a boy or girl?" Petra asks, grinning.
"A girl," Nanette says.
"Has she been named yet?" Olivia asked.
"No, Feona fell asleep... and I didn't ask the father," Nanette says, shrugging.
"Hm, we will ask him later, I don't want to ask while Feona is sleeping," Axel says. "Can we go inside?"
"Yes, but don't wake her. She needs her rest," Nanette says.
"We'll be careful," Olivia says.
"This way," Nanette says, leading them in the cave.
"... how can you see with a cloth over your eyes?" Olivia asked, curious.
"Yeah, I've been wondering that too," Petra says.
Nanette sighed. "I have good hearing. I don't need to see."
Jesse looks up as she sees her friends walking in. "Hey guys," she whispers, being careful not to speak out loud. "Feona gave birth. I hated to see her in pain. She's my sister, and seeing her in pain makes me sad."
"Well now it's over," Hannah says.
"We need to talk to her about names," Lukas said.
"Yeah, do you have any ideas Lukas?" Jesse asks, looking at him.
"Jessica, after her awesome aunt," Lukas says, smiling.
"Aw, I know how much she misses her," Jesse says. "She took it hard when she died."
"Yeah..." Lukas said, looking down.
"Anyway, what do you guys want to do now?" Jesse asks.
"There's a temple nearby, if you'd like to explore it," Hannah suggests. "My friends and I were gonna check it out, but we tend to find other things before we can."
"Ooo, we might check that out," Jesse says. "We love adventure don't we guys?"
"Sure do," Lukas says.
"That's for sure," Olivia says.
"I'll show you in a minute," Hannah says. "I need to tell my friend Icane that we have guests." She changes into a wolf and ran outside.
"That is seriously so cool that she can change into a wolf, don't you think?" Jesse says as she watched Hannah run out.
"Her mom's a wolf," Nanette says.
"What?!" Olivia says, her eyes widening.
"It's normal here," Nanette says.
"Is that why you asked if Feona and I are both human?" Lukas asked.
"Never know with new travelers," Nanette says, shrugging.
Feona stirs at the yelling, groaning as she sat up. She is very sore from having the baby.
Nanette glared at Olivia.
"It was an accident..." Olivia says, feeling bad that she woke Feona up.
"Don't worry it's fine," Feona says, sitting up. "I can't sleep anyway."
Lukas got concerned. "Is something wrong?"
"Sore from giving birth," Feona says."But I'll be fine."
"Well Hannah just left, but I can ask her to make more pain killers when she gets back," Nanette says.
"Okay," Feona says, and then looks at Lukas. "Babe, I can't believe the baby is here. I didn't expect to go into labor here."
"We're lucky Hannah found us," Lukas said.
Hannah ran inside in wolf form with a girl riding on her back.
The girl had shoulder-length brown hair that covers her left eye and wears a purple shirt with a black symbol on it, blue jeans, and red sneakers.
"Hi," Jesse says, turning to see Hannah with the girl. "Who are you?"

Next time on A World to Remember, the Order of the Stone will go to a temple, but little do they know what will be coming to them. What will happen? Will everyone be okay? Find out next time on A World to Remember!
Celebrate life! :)

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