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"Wait, Finn." I yelled out before I sighed to myself.
"Please wait." I yelled again and noticed that he had stopped as soon as I turned around the corner. He turned around so that he was facing me, giving me an expressionless look.

"Yes?" Was all he replied to me with.

"There's still a lot you haven't answered. I'm still confused by this entire thing." I pulled a confused face at him as I was speaking, because in all honesty I really didn't know what was happening or why it was happening and I just needed answers to the whole scenario.

"There's a lot you shouldn't know kid."

"Kid? Finn we're the same age." I crossed my arms against my chest again and noticed him pull out a lighter from his pocket along with a cigarette.
"You're choosing to smoke at this exact moment?" I asked him and he just lit his cigarette and brought his eyes up to mine, not breaking the contact between us as he took a long drag. He gripped the stick of death between his middle and pointer finger, removing it from his mouth and slowly blowing the smoke out of his slightly parted lips into my face.

"You hate it and I like it when you do." He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get defensive just because I refused your kiss." I sassed him and he raised one of his eyebrows.

"If you want my help sunshine, you'll have to do better than that. You said you could look after yourself after all." He took another drag of his cigarette and looked like he was about to turn around and leave me again.

"I thought you quit smoking." I started walking behind him.

"You don't own me. I can do what I like." He fired back at me and I just sighed.

"Finn, why were those people after me?" I asked him as if he had the answers to the question already.

"How am I meant to know? They're after you, not me." He took another drag of his stick of death, puffing out the smoke and making me cough. I waved my hand in front of my face to move the smoke particles away from me.

"Is that why they shot you in the shoulder?"

"They missed you that's all. They're an amateur. It's so easy to see that." He told me as if he knew everything.

"Sure Finn, sure." I crossed my arms across my chest as we continued to walk through the tunnels. The tunnels spread out over a very long distance so we had been walking in the cold, pitch black for a very long time. The only source of light we had was from Finn's phone.

We finally reached the window to Eric's basement and we noticed the room had been messed up from the shooting. There was dark red blood dried on the floor where Finn stabbed one of the shooters. The coast seemed clear so we opened the window more and Finn crept in first, I followed straight after him. We closed the window slightly before we looked around the room. I heard a click and Finn opened one of the cases his dad kept down here. He pulled out one of the big guns and checked for any ammo in it.

"Good it's filled." He told me, putting the gun under his arm and shutting the case up.
"Do you still have the shotgun?" He asked me and I nodded, pulling the gun out from the back of my jeans.
"Good. You might need it."

"Finn, there's only one bullet left in it." I told him and he just stared around the room. He threw me a box and the contents inside it rattled around as I caught it.

"Fill it with bullets then." I did as he asked me and loaded the gun back up, placing the small box in the back of my jeans pockets.

"Any reason why you have a big ass gun?"

"Are you that dumb?" Finn asked me and I just rolled my eyes.
"There are people still out there looking for you and you're asking why we need guns." Finn rolled his eyes at me.

"I asked why you need a big ass gun actu-"

"Because all of them have big ass guns y/n." He yelled at me and we heard a sound coming from above us. I held the shotgun right up to me as Finn pointed the gun he had in his hand (authors note: I don't know gun names I'm sorry) towards the top of the steps as he stood at the bottom looking up. I held my gun out in front of me as I followed behind Finn. We made our way up the steps quietly so whatever was up there didn't hear us.

Finn reached the top step and pointed his gun out in front of him as he hastily but silently made his way through the open doorway into the hallway leading towards the front door. The front door was non-existent now as it had been snapped off it's hinges. I crouched up behind Finn and glanced the other way to where he was looking. As we got closer to the front doorway, I noticed the door through to the kitchen on the right was closed. Finn rested his back against the wall before he rushed into the living room, holding the gun up in front of him. He took the gun down slowly with a shocked to his side with a shocked face when he saw who or what was in there. I rushed in to see what he was looking at.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who it was. She turned around and stared me straight in the eyes.

"Mom?" I asked and she smiled at me.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now