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"Are we ever going to get out of here? I'm bored." I whined out like an immature child that had no toys to play with. Finn and I had just finished training and I was sat on the metal bed that I woke up on a few weeks ago. My ankle was stronger than it was after I had been shot and my scars had almost healed now. I had a huge scar flowing down my forearm as well as a scar and stitches in my ankle. My stitches were ready to come out now so I placed my ankle on the metal table as Finn picked up some small scissors.

"Not until you've healed completely and can defend yourself. You know there's people after us." Finn told me and I rolled my eyes. He was focusing intensely as he snipped the stitches on my wound. I rested my head on my knee as I watched him do it. I watched as he pulled the thread out slowly from the small holes in my skin. It felt weird...

I could feel the thread being pulled out and I giggled lightly as it tickled. Finn turned his head and glanced at me smiling, pulling the thread out completely. I looked at the scar on my ankle...It was a reminder that my own mother shot me...the person who made me and gave me away to her twin sister...

Finn threw away the thread safely and put the scissors away before walking back over to me. I was still in the same position just staring at my scar, when he joined me again.

"You know staring at it isn't going to make it better." He smirked and I rolled eyes again. I lifted my head up but kept my arm around my knee. He stood in front of me with his hands rested on the metal bed either side of me. The top of his head came up to my chin as he wasn't tall enough to be face to face with me when I was sat on the metal bed because the bed was quite tall.

"You'll be okay. The swelling has almost gone completely. Is it still painful?" He asked and I shook my head. His finger traced figures of eight on my bare skin of my leg that was up on the bed. If you must know, I was only wearing a white tee and light grey runner shorts. My skin was looking sun deprived so I forced Jack out of this place to get me fake tan so I didn't look like I was cooped up in this place...

I rested my hands on the cold metal bed behind me as Finn slid his hand down to my ankle. He looked across at me and smiled. That damn smile...

I moved my leg down so I was sat with both of my legs hanging over the edge of the metal bed. Both of Finn's hands were still either side of me and you could definitely tell that there was some tension in the room...

Finn licked his lips and cleared his throat.


"What?" I asked him and he looked nervous.

"N-nothing." He stuttered and I narrowed my eyes in his direction because he was obviously thinking of something... He was obviously wanting to do something...

"Just spit it out Finn. You obviously have something on your mind." I already knew what he had on his mind from how he was acting and the signs but i wanted him to say... I never saw him nervous before so I already knew what was up...

After all, I had known him since we were born,

"It's nothing. I just- It's quite weird that we're in this situation right?" He chuckled nervously. I pushed myself up from my hands so I was sat slouched slightly on the metal bed. I brushed my hands together and placed them on my lap.

"How so?"

"Well, considering I used to hate you and bully you and now-" he stopped talking and pulled his lips together with a concentrated look on his face as if he was trying to find the right thing to say.

"And now?" I questioned and he pierced his lip.  He tapped his thumbs against the metal nervously. I already knew what he wanted, he didn't exactly hide that...

"And now-" he breathed out heavily and didn't continue his sentence. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me. I crashed my lips onto his which took him by surprise but he responded quickly as I placed my other hand on his shoulder. His hands were placed on my thighs as our lips moved in sync.

He moved his hands to the top of my thighs close to my butt and squeezed, pulling me down until I was sat on the edge of the metal and each of my legs were either side of his body. Our chests were touching as his hands found their way to my hips, our lips still moving in sync. My arms wrapped around his neck as his wrapped around my waist.

We heard the door open and quickly pulled away from each other. I placed my foot back on the metal table as Finn ran and picked up some healing cream. I looked over at Jack whom had bags in his hands, which he dropped so he could take off his jacket. Finn finished applying some of the cream to my ankle and went to wash his hands.

I jumped down from the bed and made my way over to Jack.

"I see you got the stitches out at last." He pointed down at my ankle and I just shrugged.

"It's finally healed. Well, almost. It's still painful." I curled my lips together as I helped him move the bags to the kitchen area.
"So, did you get my fake tan stuff?"

"Yes. You can stop whining at me now." He let out a small chuckle and I grabbed some stuff out of the bags.

"Are your parents still not letting use the bunker?" Once the incident of Finn getting shot in Jack's bunker got out to Jack's parents, they refused to let him know the passcode for the door. They had no idea that he gave it to Finn went they were younger...

"They're still pretty pissed about that." He shrugged and packed away some cans.
"Do you want any soup?" He asked and I nodded my head, sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter. Jack placed a pot on the stove and began heating some soup up.

"Are we having soup again?" Finn came round and asked.

"Unless you want to go out and buy some fancy dish yourself and risk being caught." Jack reminded him and he sat down next to me.

"So, how much money do we have left?" Finn asked him and he just gave him a lot.

"Do you mean 'how much money were you able to steal off your parents this time'?" Jack rolled his eyes. "Only 30$" He told him and Finn scrunched yo his nose.
"So you guys have got to make the soup last."

"We'll be out of here soon." I turned to Finn.
"Right Finn?" Finn gave me a weak nod that didn't reassure me.

"Why didn't you just stay with your mother in that underground thing?" Jack questioned and I looked down.

"She shot y/n in the ankle. She had secret rooms with crime investigation walls everywhere. She had lied to y/n and gave her up without any reason and suddenly shows up now...Why would we stay?"

"Um..Food, a warm bed, safety, comfort, water, people to look after you." Jack started naming things, each thing landing a point on his finger as he listed them. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on my arms on the counter.

"Plus dad always told me that if something doesn't feel right in your gut then you shouldn't be there and somethings didn't feel right-" As Finn spoke I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket on my shorts. I lifted it out enough for me to see the screen illuminate a message.

Private number: meet me tonight in the old parking lot if you want answers.

I looked at the message before putting my phone back in my pocket.

"What was that?" Finn asked me as I placed my arms on the counter again.

"Oh, it's nothing." I lied but I tried to play it off as if I didn't just lie...

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now