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I don't think Finn was paying any attention to what he was doing after because he jumped to catch a bar and fell straight on his face below.

"Ouch." He whined our and I just covered my mouth with my hands trying not to laugh at him.

"Are you okay?" I called out to him and he sat up, holding his head. I'd go over there and help him but you know, my crazy 'mother' put a bullet into my ankle...

"I've never been better." He pulled a face towards me and got to his feet. He swung his leg over the beam, leaving his other the opposite side to it and straddled the beam. He was facing me but he was a little distance away.
"I saw you do the handstand." He smiled at me and I just blushed out.

"Well. It's the only thing I can do in this isolated room of fun." I scanned the room at all the fun objects I couldn't use because of my ankle.
"You know there's only one reason why that woman shot me right?" I diverted my attention back to Finn and we locked our eyes together, not breaking the eye contact as I the words spewed out of my mouth.

"To stop you from having fun?" He pulled a confused look on his face. I took a deep breath in and rolled my eyes at his stupidity before I exhaled and made eye contact with him again.

"No you idiot." I blurted our and he just narrowed his eyes at my words.
"She shot me so we wouldn't escape. So, whatever is happening here, she doesn't want us to know about it, but she doesn't want us to leave either." I explained to him and he blinked expressionless.
"There has to be another escape route out of this place. Like a secret tunnel or something..." I turned my attention back to Finn...
"The secret tunnel that your dad uses."

"I don't think the tunnel reached this far. It's not just my dad that can access that tunnel. Jack's family can and so many more families. I don't think they'd all know about this place." He raised his hands up and swung them around to gesture to the place we were currently in.
"We don't even know that woman." His voice turned to a whisper and I rolled my eyes again. What else is there to do when I don't know how to respond?

I scanned the area again, noticing something in the far corner of the obstacle course.

"Hang on." I swung my leg over the beam and jumped down on my healthy leg, leaving my bad leg in the air as if I was a flamingo. I ambled over to the corner, hobbling as I went along. Wishing I wasn't injured so I could kick the bitch right in the vag.

After about a million years I made it over to the corner and knelt down on the ground. I shoved some mats out of the way and noticed a small vent. A cupboard with all the yoga mats on was in the way so I tried to use my remaining strength to move it. It moved slightly until Finn finally decided to help me. We scraped the stuck wheels across the floor and moved it out the way enough to be able to rip the vent off the wall. It was only after we used up all our energy that we realised we just had to click the wheels from locked to unlocked...fucking idiots.

Once the vent was ripped off, I tried staring inside it.

"My dad's secret tunnels don't reach this far my ass." I smiled to myself at how proud I was of thinking that up. Finn pocked his head in before he placed his hand in to feel around.

"It's definitely a tunnel but we don't have a light so we'll have to be super careful. We don't know what's in there. I'll go find a torch." Finn spoke.

"Pussy." I spewed at him and he narrowed his eyes at me again. I climbed in the tunnel and felt the cold earth on my hands and my knees. Since it was pitch black I felt around with one of my hands at a time to see if there were any corners. There was one so I made it around and kept crawling in the straight line hoping to reach a point where we would step out into the big tunnels and make our way back to Jack's bunker.

"Ow." I whined our as I hit my head on something hard. Oof. I held my hand out and felt what it was. It was cold and felt like it was metal. Maybe it was a door. I felt around it and there was something on it but it wasn't a door handle. It was almost like a wheel. I balanced myself on my knees and used both hands to turn the wheel in either direction to try and opened it. It clicked and I was able to push it open.

There were candles flickering and a huge wooden board facing me as I opened the circular, metal door. I made my way out of the tunnel and into the room. Finn following shortly behind.

I stared around and it was a room. Not small but not big either. To one side of the wooden board there was a bed with pieces of paper on it. A small bedside table with only a clock on it was positioned next to it. To the other side of the room there was a desk with a computer and a chair. Candles were positioned around the room on small tables or desks or shelves. Books were piled on shelves but away from the candles. There were pictures and paper with writing on it plastering the walls and the wooden board. As well as red string messily connecting the pictures and words together. What was this place?

"This is definitely not one of my dad's secret tunnels." Finn scanned the room.

"That's because it's not." I told him and looked at the top of the piles of paper on the desk next to the computer.
"It's a completely different tunnel altogether."

"How many tunnels does this town have?"

"Don't you see what this is?" I turned to Finn with a grin on my face.
"This isn't one of those secret tunnels where people used to escape to do drugs or any illegal thing. This is some secret thing. Think about it, the only entrance in is swimming down at a specific part of the ocean and making your way through a secret door that's hidden. It's disguised as rock until you move part of the rock out of the way to unlock the door. It's underground so no one can find you. There's a fucking bed in here like in the bunker so this is obviously where one of the workers sleeps which means." I took a break to breathe before I grabbed Finn's arm excitedly.
"There's more of these bunkers around this place."

"Or it means it's a secret room someone comes to to do their own individual research. I doubt these people live under here." Finn told me, removing his arm from my grip.
"We need to get back before they notice we're gone."

"You're such a buzzkill lately. What's wrong with you?" I snapped at him and tried to storm away from him but all I could do was gobble and pull a face everytime I had to walk on my injured foot. Fantastic.

Authors note: not proof read yet but thought I'd do a little update since you've heard nothing from this story in months. New chapters will be out soon (hopefully, if I stop being so lazy). My plans for the ending of this story have changed slightly from my original idea so I'm figuring out how to set the rest of the story out now to make it easier for me to write. I can just shoot chapters out then since I'll know where it's going.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now