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"What are we suppose to do now?" I asked Finn. We were sat in a small enclosed room that had a coffee machine in one corner and a chair in the other. It felt like quite a lonely room...

"We could always leave." Finn shrugged and I gave him a look before I glanced down at my wounded leg.

"That would be great and all if my mother didn't shoot my leg." I sighed out and crossed my arms against my chest. It seems to be the only thing I do when I'm annoyed...

I took a seat on the chair in the corner and lifted up the leg of my trousers, staring at the red stitched up wound on my leg.

"It will heal. You might have a narly scar there but it will look cool." Finn made me chuckle and I let go of the leg of my trousers and watched it delicately fall loose over my ankle.

I could still feel the pain tingling in the bottom of my leg and it was driving me insane. The wounded area felt itchy from where it had been stitched up but I knew that I couldn't itch it because it would only make it worse.

"Are you hungry?" Finn asked me and I contemplated for a second on whether I was or not.

"A little bit." I told him and he nodded his head, making his way over to the door.

"I'll go see what food they have here." He exited the room and I sighed out. What was I suppose to do with an injured leg?

Was this my mother's way of keeping me trapped here?

Shortly after, Finn returned holding two small boxes. I took one out of his hands and felt the heat projecting out of the bottom. Inside the white box was a jacket potato covered in tuna, sweetcorn and cheese. A white plastic fork was stabbed into the potato.

"It's the only thing they had." He told me, digging into his. He perched himself on the floor, leaning his back against the wall beside me.

"Do you really believe the crap about my mother coming back because her sister died?"

"In complete honesty. I don't think so." Finn replied to me. I shovelled some more of the hot potato with the toppings into my mouth.
"If she did, why wasn't she there for the funeral. Why didn't she come back years ago when her sister actually died?"

"It seems strange how she came to us out of the blue and just knew someone was after us." I racked my brain trying to think of an explanation for her showing up.
"The only logical explanation for it would be if she knew who was after us." It all clicked in my head.
"I don't trust her Finn." I finished up my food and closed the lid on the box, tossing it into the bin on the other end of the tiny room.

"As far as we know she's keeping us in her hidden lab. If she knew the people after us, that means she's either been tracking them or was gathering information from someone else who knew the guy." Finn shrugged like it was nothing. I narrowed my eyes at him for a second, scanning his facial features.

"How would you know that?"

"Oh um...spy movies?" He questioned himself and didn't sound convincing at all. Finn was hiding something, I just needed to find out what it was.

"Finn, What are you hiding?" I asked him and his eyes flickered around the room.

"Nothing. I'm not hiding anything." He was obviously lying as the pitch and tone in his voice had changed. He was beginning to get more anxious as each second passed.

"Are you with them?" I asked, pointing to the people outside of the room we were in.
"You know them don't you?"

"What? No." He quickly replied before staring out at the people working in the huge room in front of us. My mother was leant over a desk, talking to someone that was at a computer. She was pointing at the screen as if she was explaining something to them.

"I hope you aren't lying to me Wolfhard." I folded my arms against my chest and looked away from him. He also crossed his arms against his chest and stared in the opposite direction to me.

Both of us were sat there in silence. It was a little bit awkward and I could tell both of us were bored out of our minds.

"What can we do around here?"

"I think I saw a training area in another room. We could have our own ninja warrior competition." Finn smiled and I returned it. It sounded great but I didn't think I'd be able to do it with my leg.

Finn helped me to my feet regardless and helped me to walk out of the tiny coffee room. Everyone in the lab was still hard at work so we explored around a little bit until we came to the training room. It was set out like a typical trampoline park. In fact, it might as well have been a trampoline park, minus the trampolines everywhere...

"This looks awesome." I stared around at the ropes and bars and nets and walls that were placed all around the room. There were still a few trampolines around and there was a foam pit with a beam in the centre. It looked awesome.

Finn went off to try and have a go at the obstacle course whilst I made my way over to foam pit and sat on the beam. I sat straddling the beam and placed my hands down on it in front of me. Since I couldn't do anything else I tried to see if I could still do a handstand from a sitting position. It was something I learnt to do at cheerleading practice, a few people on the squad were ex gymnasts so they taught us some gymnastics moves.

I was wobbling a lot but I managed to hold my weight and get myself up into a handstand. I brought my weight back down and sat in a straddling position again, watching Finn. He smiled over at me.

Authors note: ah, I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've had no motivation to use this app or to write which is weird but I'm trying to get back into it. I'm going to have more frequent in class tests starting next month, ready for my exams in June. :/ so I've been trying to study a lot (even though I have no motivation to do that either). Im going to try to update more regularly again. Btw this is not proof read but I'll fix any mistakes later on.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now