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I woke up to the sound of two male voices.

"Are you sure? How did we not hear?" I heard Finn whisper. The dingus can't whisper for shit.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep again.

"You know she's pretending to sleep right now." I heard Jack whisper and my heart stopped. How did-

There was a pause and I made it seem like I was sleeping.

"She seems asleep to me." Finn whispered. Idiot.

"She stopped snoring and I saw her head come up." Fuck. Jack is too good.
"You can stop pretending to sleep now y/n." Jack yelled towards me and I just opened my eyes and stretched.

"Why were you guys whispering and being so secretive?" I sat up in my sleeping back and folded my arms against my chest.

"To not wake you up, idiot." Jack rolled his eyes and grabbed his towel off the back of the chair before making his way to the bathroom.

"What were you talking about?" I asked Finn and he completely ignored me.
"Hello?" I yelled out and I was given the silent treatment as he walked to the other end of the room.
"Fucking men." I angrily removed myself from my sleeping bag and made my way over to the food.

"Did you sleep in your clothes?"

"Yes." I angrily replied, tapping my finger on my chin as I was trying to decide on what cereal to have.

Finn stopped talking to me again and went back to doing whatever the hell he does.

"I want to go meet my stepfather again." I blurted out without thinking through what I was really going to say. Finn froze to the spot and I could feel the tension that was circling the room so I froze too...

"You want to- What?" I heard Finn whisper and decided to keep quiet as I grabbed the cereal of my choice (you decided what you want) and started pouring it into the bowl. I tried not to glance up at Finn in the process. My anxiety was kicking in and so my heart was palpitating beneath my ribs, threatening to jump out of my chest!

"y/n, you know we can't leave this building because it's too dangerous out there. There's a man after you, there's now someone who tried to shoot at you; your mother is out there somewhere, waiting to capture you again for information. It's. Not. Safe. So, you stay in here where you're safe from trouble." He explained like I didn't know already.

"What? You plan on keeping me caged up in here forever?"

"Until everything blows over and you're safe again yes."

"And I suppose you're allowed out then?" I crossed my arms against my chest in a huff-puff. Finn flipped his hair to the side of his face with his hand before getting out his phone.

"I can look after myself, unlike you who always seems to need rescuing..." he paused.

"Don't call me a princess." I demanded and he smirked devilishly. Oh, how I wanted to wipe that smug smirk off his face.

"And why not? You do seem to need rescuing all the time. Didn't your own mother manage to lock you up and abuse you? Didn't you get jumped by some football players? Oh, didn't you-"

"Shut up." I cut him off and he continued to smirk.
"If you don't stop smirking I'm going to punch you in the face."

"I'd love to see you try...Princess." He carried on smirking so I marched over to him and stood there.

"What? You not going to punch me?"

"You'll just have to wait and see!" I folded my arms against my chest and he imitated me in an attempt to annoy me further.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now