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HUGE TRIGGER WARNING: please don't read this chapter if you are triggered by any themes such as: descriptive violence, suicidal thoughts, mentions of death, descriptive gore, distress.

If you aren't triggered by these please crop down to find the chapter. If you are triggered by any of these I suggest you skip this chapter. For anyone that skips this chapter I will place a short recap type thing at the start of the next chapter about the important parts form this chapter but without the triggering content.

My eyes widened as she walked closer to me. Another figure was behind her, holding something. The crazy lady placed a cloth over my mouth and my nose and out of panic I tried to grab her arms. My own arms were pulled behind me and then cold metal slid around my wrists. I could only guess they were handcuffs as they clicked together perfectly and were fastened  so tightly that I could feel my own pulse in my wrists. My heart rate increased which subsequently increased my bpm on my pulse. I felt the throbbing of every beat against the metal of the handcuffs.

Someone else that was with this woman started to pour freezing cold water over the cloth. I was shaking and struggling to get free from the incredibly strong grip of the crazy lady. I struggled to breathe as the cold water clogged up my throat and my mouth. My throat was burning as I was gargling the water. My mouth was only open because my first instinct was scream. It only made matters worse for me. I truly felt like I was drowning.

I was stuck in this position with no way out, spluttering out water as I choked. My heart rapidly skipping beats and my wrists throbbing. My eyes were leaking out salty water droplets even though I tried my hardest to hold them back, but they were stubborn and managed to escape!

The cloth was finally torn away from my breathing holes and the water had stopped blocking up my throat. I spat the remaining water out of my mouth and took the biggest breath in, causing my lungs to burn and my chest to flash out a sharp pain. I had to cough up some water which helped soothe my throat a little bit. I was wheezing and breathing very heavily as if I was having an asthma attack, even though I didn't have asthma.

"How do you feel?" The crazy lady asked me and I just gave her a death glare before staring down at the ground again.
"Now, are you going to tell me who's after you?" She asked again but I just stayed silent. She was losing her patience and jammed the cloth in my face again, shortly followed by the blast of cold water suffocating me. My lungs filled with the liquid and my eyes watered from the choking. I closed my eyes this time, letting it happen. What else was I to do? I couldn't move my arms, I couldn't get free.

And she was suppose to be my mother...

My vision was blurry from the salty liquid. My muscles were aching from the tension and stress I put on them from fear.

"I could do this all day." My "mother" told me with a small sigh afterwards. My body was shaking and jerking around from the shear panic of dying.

She finally removed the cloth again and the water spurted out of my mouth again, followed by the coughing and spluttering and wheezing. My body was still shaking from the cold water hitting my hot skin, it created goosebumps all over my body and icy chills.

She grabbed my jaw and squashed my cheeks together tightly, lifting my head up so I was facing her. She had an emotionless expression on her face. Her h/c (your mom's hair color) flowing down to her shoulders.

"Let's try again. Do you recognize this man?" The woman who was with her held up a photograph of a middle aged man with short, dark hair. He was wearing a suit and looking off into the distance. It looked like a professional modelling photo shot by a known photographer. I still didn't say anything, I didn't recognize him at all.
"Answer me y/n." The woman yelled at me and I just gulped. She shoved my head back, aggressively removing her grip from my cheeks, probably leaving red marks on each cheek. She sighed out frustratedly and before I knew it my cheek was stinging with pain as the back of her hand came in contact with it. The woman beside her jumped out of her skin, not expecting her to act that way.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now