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mollie didn't have many notes on this chapter or the next few so i might put a few chapters notes together:

mollie's notes for chapter 20:

Y/n' and Finn figure out what they want to do with the pin. They go about their business pretending like things are normal. Y/n pretends to still be mad at Finn thinking it was him that killed Ayla after what Jack told her. (she knows Finn didn't do it and doesn't trust Jack at all)

They haven't seen Jack grazer in a few days.

Finn pretends to be physical with Y/n as they know they're being watched. He doesn't actually hit her, he just pretends and she pretends to scream. He rips her jacket (as part of the plan) so she takes it off still screaming at him and throws it at him. He throws it on the floor and they jump all on it. - I dunno, sort this out. Somehow figure out how to break the pin without it looking like they planned it.

They cool down when they see the pin broken. They don't know fi the pin was just a microphone or if it had a hidden camera in it too (it did).

mollie's notes for chapter 21:

trying to figure out why Jack Anderson is after them. Trying to figure out who the main guy is.

Think of a few more things for this chapter just so it's not boring.
Convo about why y/n even went out and met Jack?
Jack Grazer comes back with a ton of cash? (he's the drug dealer Y/n saw but that's not gonna be revealed yet. When will it?)
(maya speaks: i'm loving mollie's notes to herself in her chapter notes lmao)

Jack comes back in bruises form a fight? With who?
More defense training between Finn and Y/n?

Chapter end idea: Someone breaks their door down. Next chapter all about that.

mollie's notes for chapter 22:

Start form the ending of the last chapter.

Door gets broken. Y/n screams (obviously)
Finn jumps out of his skin before reaching for his gun nearby. Y/n hides under the table (since they're sat at the table eating).

Finn holds his gun up (pistol) to the intruder but it's men black suits with big guns (shotguns?) and quite a few of them.

Will they escape? How nice to readers do you want to be?

Fight them for a little bit and then escape? How would they escape?

Anyway, let's say they escape somehow, where would they run to? Jack's bunker is not a safe space. Finn's house is not a safe space. Jack's house? Maybe not a safe space. Maybe they would just be running for a while. Running out of town? Idk running soenwhere.

They meet up with Jack G again as Finn texts him.

"Jack were you followed?"
"Idk, I don't see anyone"
Some guy pops in their view and they hear footsteps.
"Jack you idiot."

They all start running again. Y/n is still terrified. The only safe space they have is the place Y/n's mom took them but is that place really safe? (it's not in a way. Need to explain that place in one chapter. Maybe next chapter?)

maya speaks:

hi, don't be mad but i lost the remainder of mollie's chapter notes 😞
i do have notes on the ending and what happens at the end.
i have notes on y/n's mom's underwater place and also who y/n's twin is. in mollie's notes she said she reveals it at the end of this book.
she also set the ending of this up so there's a third book but i only have the start and ending of her ideas of book three and the title.

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