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Finn's point of view:

"Can you stand?" I asked y/n as I finished tying up a piece of cloth on her arm. I took hold of her hands to help her down from the bed. She stood to her feet but wobbled and fell into me straight away.

"I feel dizzy Finn." The words weakly escaped her parted lips.

"You've lost a lot of blood y/n." I told her and she didn't respond. I tried to keep her up on her feet but I couldn't. Her face was becoming more pale as each second passed by.
"Shit y/n can you hear me?" I tried to keep her attention focused on me but she didn't answer.
"Y/n hold on..." I started but she was completely out.
"Y/n?" I picked her up, bridal style and noticed the color had washed from her face completely.
"We're getting out of here y/n." I gripped her tightly in my arms but she still didn't respond. Fuck.

I started running out of the room and back to where everyone was in the lab.

"HELP." I yelled out.
"Someone help." People came rushing over to look at what happened to y/n as I held her in my arms.

"What happened?"

"She's lost a lot of blood." I told someone. Other people came rushing over with a first aid kit.
"It's no use." One of them said to the others.
"She needs to get back to the surface, she needs blood to replace the amount you already lost." I nodded at the person that said that and made my way towards the door, before I left I nodded towards someone and they nodded back.

The door closed behind us. One of the lab people offered to drive me and y/n to where we needed to go. The small room we were in started to fill with water before we were able to open the main door and swim out into the ocean. The lab person closed the door behind us and helped me swim y/n up to the surface.

The surface water was close to the top of the edge so the lab person lifted themselves up from the water onto the edge. I passed them y/n and they placed her on the ground next to them. I got out of the cold water and picked y/n up, making our way to the truck that the demon lady (an: I need to go back and check if I've said her name yet) left there when she brought us here.

Although we were dripping wet, we didn't care at this point.

"Okay kid. I'm not responsible for whatever happens to you up here." The woman told me and I nodded. I perched in the back seat of the truck as I held y/n in my arms. I didn't bother with putting a seat belt on because it wasn't my number one priority right now.
"Hope you know what you're doing kid."

"I've got help." I told her and she sighed out as she started to drive away. I pulled out my phone and dialled a number.

"Hello?" I heard their voice on the other side of the phone.

"I need your help. No questions, you owe me a favor." I commanded into the phone and heard a sigh on the other end.

"Fine Finn. I'll meet you in the usual place." I hung up the phone as I heard them say that and told the woman driving where to take us.

Once we arrived, they helped me get y/n's unconscious body out of the car.

"Why didn't we just take her to a hospital?" The woman asked.

"Because whoever it is that's after her would be able to find her easier in the hospital." I told her as if it was something that should have been known.

We made it into the room and lay y/n down on the table.

"What even is this place?" The woman asked out.

"It's an abandoned building where people either used to be treated here for their injuries or where they used to get experimented on. Take your pick." I sighed out as I lifted y/n's wrist up to check for a pulse.
"Her pulse is weak and my help will be here soon so make yourself useful and help me set everything up to give her blood.

"Um..I'm not a doctor, I'm a scientist."

"And I'm the fucking muffin man but here we are." I replied sarcastically to her as I glared at her so she sighed out. She stared around the room and pulled out the first aid kit, checking through the contents in it. She eventually found some unused and unopened packaged needles with tube and those bags that doctors use in hospitals for IV drips or fr blood if someone was giving blood.

We set the bags up with the tubes and I opened two packages which had needles in and grabbed the needle out.

"I need a lighter." I held my hand out to the woman. She just stared at me, I just rolled my eyes at her and glared at her again.
"I know you have one. I could smell the cigarette smoke on you." I told her and she rolled her eyes, passing me her lighter. I flicked it on until a flame appeared and held the flame below the tip of the needle. The hot flame was sterilising the needle because I didn't trust it in the package alone. I did the same thing to the other needle as my help arrived then.

"What favor am I doing?" I heard his voice.
"What the fuck is this?" He asked straight after as he saw y/n's body on the table and then looked across at me sterilising a needle.

"Today is your lucky day." I turned to him once I finished.
"You're going to give blood." I smiled at him and he pulled a "What the fuck" face at me.
"You're the same blood type as her and she's dying so either you give your blood to her willingly or I either kill you or knock you out and give you her blood unwillingly." I threatened him. Now was not the time for him to back away from our favor.

He pulled his arms out of the sleeves of his jacket and sighed out.

"Let's get this over with."

"Good choice." I tied the top of his arm to stop the blood flow and felt for his vein.

COMPLETE ✔️Caged by Finn Wolfhard {SEQUEL}Where stories live. Discover now