Things you can't know

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~~Louis point of view~~

We arrived at my house about 10 minutes later to a silent ride. When we pulled up I could see his face in shock. Sure my house was big but I never cared.

We got out and started to walk towards the house still not a word exchanged. Damn this is awkward as hell.

I was first to break the silence in a flat tone "listen my family's home so we are just going to walk by them and go upstairs. let's pretend we like each other for a few minutes" he walked slightly behind me but I could hear his chuckle.

"It'll be a challenge but will do." He said looking down at his phone. His face covered with an unexplainable emotion. He looked at his phone again and shook his head before putting it away.

I just rolled my eyes. It's probably some girl or hook up. Wouldn't be surprised really.

Ask me if the image of his bruises has went away.

Common ask me.


Looking at him I'm just confused because he can easily get away why would he let someone touch him. Especially that aggressively.

I'm starting to think he's not as tough as he lets on.

I quickly shook these thoughts off. I don't know why I cared anyway. It's really none of my business.

We walked into the house and he just looked around admiringly. My  mother came running to the door. Shes always excited when I get home.

"LOUIS!" My mother jumped towards me taking me into a big hug. I saw Horan flinch in the corner of my eye before he regained himself standing up straight. I could hear him curse under his breathe.

Sure my mom can me a little extra but she loves me a lot so i don't mind. "Hello mother we have a guest today. We have to do a project together" she let go of me to look at horan. He got uncomfortable under the stare and looked at the floor but waved his hand slightly.

"HELLO! I'm Johannah. Louis proud mother! It's nice to met you" she went over to him to shake his hand. Oh god this is going to be embarrassing. Horan never shakes hands. That would involve contact which never happens.

"Wait mo-" I was cut off when he actually shook her hand. It was a little hesitant and small but he did it anyway.

"What's wrong hun?" She looked at him and it looked he was was in physical pain. He looked like he would just pass out right here.

"He's a germaphobe he doesn't like to touch people or anything actually" he shot me a glare as to shut up. I just shrugged.

"Oh I'm so sorry hunny you should have told me!" She stepped back a few steps but horan still looked tense.

"Oh it's alright i didn't want to be rude. Your hands are very soft Johannah" Niall voice finally spoke up. It was soft but kind sounding.

Mom raised her eyebrows looking over at me. "Well aren't you a sweetheart. Anyway enough dallying go ahead boys."

I started to walk away before my mother grabbed my shoulder. "He's a keeper" she winked at me before walking away.

"But it's not like that-" no point in trying she already walked away. Sigh. At least she was happy about my sexuality when i came out.

She's always wanted me to find someone sweet and kind. I guess she decided that Niall was the perfect one after him speaking a single sentence. Damn the effects he has on people.

I walked up the stairs with horan a few steps behind me we reached my room and I turned on the lights. He looked around before just standing in the middle of the room awkwardly.

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