I love you!

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~~Louis point of view~~

We reached the park soon after and Niall was just sitting quietly. I know that soccer is where he can think best and this was definitely the time to think so.

We got out of the car no words being exchanged. It was close to night so the school was closed and everyone had left.

He looked at the school a little a sighed before turning around to the trunk of the car.

He grabbed a soccer ball quickly dropping it out of disgust. "I forgot this was not my bag" he said getting the whips and furiously cleaning his hands.

I laughed a little at that because i definitely did not clean my soccer balls as much as he did.

I sat on the bench next to the field and watched him. I would have joined him but i knew he needed time alone to think.

His movements were slow. He didn't do anything major at all. He just dribbled the ball around looking up at the sky.

Eventually after about an hour he paused looking up at the sky. I took a closer look and saw he was crying. It wasn't hardcore breaking down. Just crying.

I decided that was the time for me to get involved so I quietly walked over next to him and tears still fell steadily.

He didn't look over at me his eyes were still glued on the stars.

"What w-would mom t-think. Would she be m-mad that he's in j-jail? Did i f-fail what she t-tried so hard to k-keep a secret? L-louis i-i i failed her." Just like that he snapped.

His legs became wobbly as he thought about what she must think. Before he could fall on the ground i picked him up hugging him tightly.

"W-why did y-you have to s-save me! Why! W-why.." i just held onto him harder. He's wrong. He's absolutely wrong.

"Of course you didn't fail her. You saved her. You did what she never could and I'm so proud of you Niall you didn't deserve any of that. And I'm not sorry for saving you. I never will be." He sniffled into my chest but soon enough relaxed into my hold.

I let go for a moment grabbing a blanket from the car and laying it on the floor. we laid together on it looking up at the stars.

"I miss her Louis." He said after a few minutes of silence sadly.

I just sighed whispering "i know." As much as i want to do for him. I can't bring back his mother. I know there will be an emptiness where she was in his heart forever. All i can hope is i can bring back the rest of his damaged heart.

He seemed to move a way that he shouldn't have since a low "ow" came out of him. He tried to make it unnoticeable but the little tears running down his face gave me a clear indication he was hurting.

I quickly got up looking down at him "what's hurting?" I tried to remain calm but his scrunched face was worrying me. He never cry's about pain.

He pointed at the side of his stomach and i gently lifted his shirt. There were stitched that went at least 5 inches long.

I sighed pealing back the bandages a little to give him some room to move. I know he shouldn't have played today.

"I-i guess I'm i not used t-to proper t-treatment" he tried to make a joke out of it but i just grabbed his hand and tried my best to comfort him.

I know there is no way to take the pain away so I'll do everything else that i can.

We just paused for a few minutes me looking at him and he looking up at the sky trying to adjust to the pain.

Loving my enemy? (Nouis one direction/sad)Where stories live. Discover now