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~~~ Louis point of view~~~

The next morning went as all the other ones.
Me excited to see Niall and having to put up with the boys.

Something felt off today. I wasn't sure why but something wasn't right for sure. I just shook it off. Maybe it was something i ate.

I saw Niall a few times during the day and all went how it always did. I'd get lost in his eyes for the few seconds that i could see them before we would pass each other like we didn't just suck each other's faces off yesterday.

It was after 4th period that i was watching him at his locker from the other side of the hall standing with the boys. I couldn't get this stupid grin off my face watching him stumbled with his books and his antibacterial whips.

I can't believe i ever hated that boy.

One of the players on the basketball team walked past Niall kicking one of his books across the hall landing at my feet.

Niall just scoffed at the boy dodging his attempt to place his hand in his shoulder walking to get the book.

Liam zayn and Harry stepped back from me looking at Niall walking over to his book.

He looked at it for a few seconds before shaking his head. He looked up at me ignoring the boys and the crowd that was forming around us.

"Can you get that for me Louis?" The crowd gasped at his use of my first name. Only my closest friends call me it. And of course this little blond beauty.

Before i could answer yes zayn stepped in front of me with Harry. "Who do you think you are talking to you little brat" Niall sighed looking past them at me again. He gave me pleading eyes to just give him the book. As much as i wanted to i was too frozen in the moment to do anything. Too many people were watching.

"Oi! Answer when you are spoken to boy" Harry growled in his face. Niall took a step back trying again to get the book not even caring if he touched it.

Before he could zayn stepped on the book kicking it out of the little boys reach. Ass.

"Just give me the book" He gritted under his teeth getting frustrated.

"Oh look the little pimp talks! I'd say Run back to mommy but that isn't really an option is it?" The crowd oooooed at zayn who felt powerful.

Niall's face tightened as he turned around to just leave his book. I know what he said probably crushed him. His mom is such a sensitive part to him. Standing here felt so wrong. I wanted to go up to zayn and punch the living daylights out of him till he bleeds out. But too many people are watching.

Before Niall could get away a few boys from the soccer team trapped him in a circle. To get by he would need to push them which he would never be able to do.

"What's the matter is someone's feelings hurt?" One of the boys snarled. Niall just kept his head down trying to find a way out.

"LOOK AT THIS EVERYBODY! The one you all looked up to, helpless!" The students all laughed while Niall still struggled to find a place to run increasingly becoming out of breath.

"We told you He was nothing from the start and now the whole school sees it!" Niall's eyes grew panicked and he was losing his balance. his mask of being a strong minded boy was crumbling. Desperately i wanted to run up to him and enfold him in a hug. But i just couldn't move. Too many people were watching.

One of the boys lunged forward at Niall making him stumble back so he isn't touched falling on the floor.

The team laughed high giving each other. Liam who was standing behind me slapped me on the back of the shoulder. "Aren't you going to do anything!" I just shuttered trying to figure out what was going on.

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