Mother's day

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~~ Louis point of view~~

I woke up the next morning uncomfortable from falling asleep with my jeans on. I always tell myself I would stop doing that.

I got up looking around my room remembering the events of last night.

Fuck what am I supposed to tell him today? It's already awkward between us.

Thinking about it made my head pound. Whatever I'll just wing it.

I got myself up even though my body screamed not to. Practice is in 30 minutes so I have to get to school. The things I do for soccer.

After quickly getting ready Iwalked downstairs to flowers all over the living room and kitchen. I was confused at first before my little sister came running into the room tackling mom.

"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM!" Did she just say Mother's Day?- fuck-

"COME OVER HERE MY BABY LOUIS!" I nodded walking over taking her into a warm embrace.

"I love you mom happy Mother's Day. Who's all this from?" I pointed around signaling the beautiful flowers all over the room.

Hundreds of beautiful flowers lined the floors and all over the walls. The stairs even lined with pink flowers

 The stairs even lined with pink flowers

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Wow I've never seen something so.... pink...  in my life.

"I have no clue who did this. A few men from a florist company came this morning and just started to set up. All got was this letter that said

'i hope you enjoy the flowers. Happy Mother's Day'

But Louis I've never been more happy"

She looked around in complete adoration. I've never seen her so in love with something. I wonder who would do this. Whoever did I have to thank because this is the sweetest thing Ever.

I may be cold hearted but I have quite the soft spot for my mother.

"Off to school boy I would like to enjoy part of my Mother's Day alone" she swatted me away looking back at the flowers. At least she's happy. I think the happiest she's ever been.

I walked out of the house slipping into my car making mental note to get her a gift on the way home.

I pulled up to the school to see horan standing alone on the field. He wasn't doing anything. He just stood. Still. In front of the ball.

I went in the changing room to everyone talking about what I was thinking.

"What's wrong with this dude?"

"I don't know but he's a fucking statue today! He didn't even move when i took the ball. He just stands looking off into the distance."

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