+New Years Eve Party+

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Song:chinese new year by SALES


"God fucking damn it!" I scream as I threw my now broken pencil across the coffee table and set my algebra book down. My forehead was all scrunched up as I sat on my living room couch with my arms crossed, my legs folded and covered with my favorite dark blue wool blanket that my grandma knit for me when I was ten. My older brother comes running down the stairs with his phone in his hands before looking at me. "Hey no cursing and get your ass up, my friends will be here any minute." He tells me.

My brother Finn is my half brother and he is only a couple years older than me. Finn's dad is unknown because he was the result of some random hookup, but my dad and our mom were so in love with each other for only three years before he left us. I don't really remember much about him because I was three, but mom says that they had gotten into a really huge fight the night before and when she woke up that morning he was nowhere to be seen. It hasn't really effected me much, I mean I'm doing okay without both of my parents helping me and who needs a dad when you have a Finn.

"But I'm doing my schoolwork. Sorry I don't have a winter break like you do." I sass as the pale boy with dark curly hair picks up my pencil from the ground and placed it in the spine of a notebook from the table. He stacks up my books and sighs. "Well maybe you should quit homeschool and go to high school like me. You would get so many fun breaks and you would actually have friends." Finn remarks. I don't go to public school because I really wouldn't learn a thing if I go. They wouldn't teach me what I wanted to know, they would teach me what they think I needed to learn. I think I'm doing well being homeschooled, though I do wish that I could hang out with people my age. I get so lonely here with mom working and Finn at school or out with friends.

I roll my eyes after relaxing my face. I stood up from the couch just as Finn was putting my stuff on the bookshelf beneath the tv. "Is mom home yet? I was hoping that we'd have the snacks out before the guys get here." The older boy questions as I fold my blanket. Finn was throwing a New Years Eve party and he was inviting all of his friends. He has this one friend that I think is really pretty and cool, but he won't let me talk to her ever. Her name is Sadie and she has long wavy red hair, icy blue eyes, freckles all over her face and arms. She skateboards and Finn tells me that she does a lot of bad stuff, but I think she's edgy and pretty badass.

"Mom should be home soon. Should I get dressed since you have people coming over?" Finn snapped his head up at me with pinched eyebrows before scoffing. "What? Why would you need to get all dressed up, it's not like you're hanging out with us or anything." My brother stated. I frown a bit. "Why not?" I whine as my arms fall to my sides and I make fists with my hands. He rolls his eyes before heading towards the kitchen, me following him. "Because my friends aren't people you'd want to hang out with. They're all guys who do guy stuff and talk about guy stuff. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable around them."

He acts like that all of his friends are boys. I know that he has a couple female friends, but he would never ever let me hang out with them or he wouldn't even talk about them around me. The boy opens the fridge and pulls out a string cheese. I sat at the dining table with my arms spread out in front of me and my chin resting on the table as I pout. "But what about Sadie? She's a girl and she seems like a nice person." I suggest. The curly dark haired boy hummed in a disapproving way as he was peeling his cheese and shoving every little strand in his mouth. Finn has always eaten string cheese like that and it's so weird. He shreds it all up before eating the whole thing in one bite.

I sat up and lean back in the chair with my arms crossed. "Sadie is not someone you should be messing with. She's trouble and I don't want her to project that onto you." The front doorbell rang and I turn my head in that direction. I'm not sure if it's his friends or our mom. I'm going to dress up either way. "I'll be right back. Get the door, it could be your gang." "Please don't call us a gang, you weirdo." Finn tells me as we head to the living room, him opening the door for mom while I run upstairs to change out of my sweats.


Some time went by and I was standing in the mirror applying lipstick and a little bit of blush while humming a little tune. I wore my favorite vintage gown, a dark green and navy blue tartan dress with a sort of off the shoulder neckline. I wore a chunky white belt just around my waist and my white flats with little bows on the top as well as the matching headband holding back my dark brown hair. I like to dress like a woman from the forties or sixties, only when I'm going out or when we have company over. It makes me feel confident and so chic.

"Cmon' guys, upstairs." I hear Finn say from the bottom of the stairs. I quickly head to my door and unlock it to stand in the doorway. The four boys and one girl stop and look at me, one of them rolling his eyes. "Millie I told you, you're not hanging out with us." Finn stated. A small and innocent smirk comes to my lips as I lean against the door frame and rest one of my hands on my hip. "Didn't mom tell you that you're not allowed to have girls in your room." I say it as more of a statement than a question, glancing over at the red head who stood beside my brother for a moment. "Nice dress, Millie." Noah compliments me. I smile and nod in his direction as a small thank you.

Finn rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. "Well Sadie's gay and I don't find her sexually attractive, so mom says it's okay." I raise an eyebrow and look at Sadie, who smiles at me and looks me up and down with her hands in the pocket of her big green sweatshirt. I didn't know she was gay, I don't know anything about her. When Finn said she was gay, I was intrigued. I don't know why, it's such a weird feeling deep within me. "That doesn't mean you can hang out with us. If you wanna do something tonight, then maybe go find your own friends to party-" "Hey, Finn, lets talk about this for a moment." The red head beside my very frustrated brother interrupted him.

The two turn their backs towards me and whisper to each other. I turn my head to look at Finn's other three friends and grin at them. "Happy New Year." Gaten spoke. I nodded before looking away and down at my shoes, my smile disappearing. The girl and my brother turn around and I gaze up at them with hopeful eyes. Finn sighs and Sadie smirks. "You can hang out with us, but then I want you to leave us by twelve thirty." I smile real wide, teeth and all, before standing up straight and walking with everybody to Finn's room. Finally I get to hang out with his friends and be apart of the group.


I hope you all liked the first chapter of Heroine, I've worked really hard on it to make it very detailed and to set the tone for the rest of the book.

Who's your favorite character so far?
Mine is probably Sadie because she's a bad bitch and you'll see that later in the story.💊

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