Chapter 2

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I've only started sight seeing and so far it's been great. I hate to admit this but Andy was right, this place is pretty amazing. I mean I've passed some buildings, stores, the Jandy river and Swellview park. They were beautiful places. Anyway, it reminds me of Texas cause it's peaceful and not too noisy, the people are nice and you know what?  I can even feel the country air. I think I'm starting to like this place. I check the time and it's already 6: 30pm. Wow, it's late mom and dad are gonna flip. I decide to head home. It's very quiet here and i can't see anyone, like the place is deserted. Now I'm starting to get scared and just when i think that things couldn't get worse, they did. Two armed guys jump out from no where in front of me.

First armed guy: Hey girl, why are you alone? Don't you know that this is our terf? Now be a good girl and give me Your purse.
Me: No, leave me alone.
Second guy: You heard him girlie, give him your purse now.

The next thing i knew one of them grabbed my hand and held it tight. I try to escape, so i step on his foot really hard and run away. Unfortunately, they cornered me in an ally and came closer.

First armed guy: You shoulda given us the bag like we told you too and for that you're gonna get it. This is what you get for stepping into our territory.

He points  his gun at me and I'm seriously trembling. He points the gun at me and before i know it, two guys who are dressed like super heroes come to my rescue. One who looks to be in his late thirties and the other one who's about my age with dirty blonde hair and he doesn't look bad. He's actually kinda cute. The older one manages to take away their weopons while the younger one  runs to my direction and pushes the other guy holding me to the ground and they give the robbers the beating of a lifetime. Afterwards, they tie them up and the younger one gets my purse and heads to my direction. He helps me up.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah i am. Thanks for saving me."

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment until his companion who seems to be Captain Man calls him.

"Okay, anyway, here's your purse young lady and please be careful next time.''

"Wait, who are you!!!"

He turns back and says, "I'm kid Danger."
The next thing i knew, he and his companion are gone. Luckily for me, the police decide to give me a ride cause it's late. I head into the car and they drop me off at my house. My parents are at home and they tell my parents.
Mom: Honey, are you okay?"
Me: Yeah, i am luckily Captain Man and Kid Danger saved me.
Policeman: Yes, they are the town's local hero. If it wasn't for them something bad would've happened to your daughter.
Dad: We are so grateful to them and you police officers for  bringing our daughter back home to us and you young lady why did you wonder off alone without supervision?
Me: Sorry Dad, i got bored, i tried telling Andy but you know her and her Soap Operas and besides i left a note on the counter didn't you see it?
Dad: Maybe i didn't see it but Y/n, next time remember to call, don't wonder off alone and try coming home early.
Me: Okay Dad i promise.
The police officers left. I head inside, eat dinner and go to my room still thinking about Kid Danger. I wonder who he is. After thinking to myself for a while, i fall asleep.

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Love you guys!!!


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