Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't been updating guys, Wi-Fi has been really, something. Don't you think I'm done with this story isn't over yet guys I'm just starting, the mystery is coming. Anyway here's the next chapter.

Your pov
Henry takes me into the elevator, I didn't even know there was one. What would I expect from a liar.

Me: Henry, Where are we going?
Henry: You'll see.

We finally arrive at a strange room. Which seems to be really underground.

Me: Henry, what exactly is this place?
Henry: The man cave.
Me: The man what? What exactly do you do here?

Then Charlotte and Jasper come in through some kind of tubes. Okay this is getting weird.

Me: Okay, someone needs to explain, now.
Henry: Charlotte, where's Ray?
Charlotte: He's coming down now.

Ray comes in.

Ray: Kid You ready?
Henry: Yeah.
Me: Still waiting, Charlotte please tell me what's going on here.
Charlotte: Y/n, I don't think I'm the right person to.
Ray: Henry?
Me: Why all the secrecy guys, okay I'm leaving.
Henry: Y/n wait but instead of telling you I'll show you instead.

Ray and Henry bring out a glowing gum and I'm pretty confused.

Ray: You sure about this?
Henry: Yeah.

The next thing I know, they turn into Captain Man and Kid Danger.

Me: Woah, woah, woah, this can't be...
Henry: Yeah.
Me: So you're...
Henry: Yeah.
Me: Captain Man and Kid Danger?
Henry: Yes we are. This was what I was hiding from you. The only reason I couldn't make it to our date was cause, Ray needed help and I had to...

I cut him off and kiss him.

Henry: Hey, what was that for?
Me: I'm sorry.
Henry: For what?
Me: For not trusting you and for calling you a liar.
Henry: I'm sorry too, cause no matter how you put it I'm still at fault.
Me: Ssh, you were only trying to protect me.
Henry: Thanks.
Me: For what?
Henry: For understanding me. I love you so much.
Me: I love you too.

We kiss again and get interrupted.

Ray, Charlotte and Jasper: Aww.
Henry: Guys.
Charlotte: What this is so beautiful. I knew you guys would make up.
Jasper: Yeah.
Me: You're so sweet.
Henry: Okay, enough guys, Y/n it's getting late I have to drop you off.
Me: Okay but aren't you forgetting anything?
Henry: No, I don't think so.
Me: You're still in your costume.
Henry: Oh, thanks.

He changes and we head out. He grabs my hand and we start to walk to my house, we finally arrive.
Henry: Okay Y/n we're here.
Me: Yeah, thanks for walking me home.
Henry you're welcome.

I'm about to go until Henry grabs my hands and pulls me to him and gives me a kiss.

Henry: I love you Y/n.
Me: I love you too.

I head in and we wave at each other.

Henry's pov

I can't believe it, we're back together again. With the love of my life. I feel like I've lifted a huge weight off  my shoulders. This is so amazing and now I know nothing could ever ruin this.

Or can it? The next chapter's gonna be a bit of mystery. I love writing this. BTW thanks for so many reads guys and comments. Thanks guys, really appreciate. The next chapter is coming soon.

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