Chapter 5

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I head inside and was luckily was able to get my schedule containing the classes I would be attending. Now, I think I'm lost. I'm trying to find my way around but I can't. I'm looking at my schedule and walking not looking where I'm going and before I know it I bump into someone.

??: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.
Me: it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going.

We help each other pickup each other's books and we look up at each other. It's a girl. She's dark skinned, with curly black hair, a bit shorter than me.

??: Hi I'm Charlotte, you must be new here.
Me: Yeah, my family and I just recently moved here. By the way my name's Y/n Y/l/n.
Charlotte: Are you lost?
Me: Yeah how'd you know that?
Charlotte: Cause you almost walked directly to the boys toilet.
Me: Could you please help me.
Charlotte: Sure (chuckles)  hey can I see your schedule.
Me: Sure.
Charlotte: Great, we have the same class together. C'mon let's go.
Me: Thanks, if it wasn't for you I'd be lost.
Charlotte: You're welcome.

Fast forward after the first three periods

It's lunch time, I decide to head to the bathroom. After, i'll go meet Charlotte at the cafeteria cause I'm sitting with her and plus, she's practically the only one I know here and if it wasn't for her I would have walked into the boys toilet by mistake which wouldn't be a pretty sight and a good first impression. After, I wash up and head out. As I was walking out, I almost slip but luckily, someone catches me. I look up at him and it's a cute boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes and he looks familiar.

??: Hey you okay?
Me: Yeah thanks.
??: By the way name's Henry.
Me: I'm Y/n.
Henry: You new here?
Me: Yeah, my family and I just moved here a few days ago.

He realized he was still holding me, so he let go gently.

Henry: So I'll see you around?
Me: Yeah, you too.

I head to the cafeteria, take my food and see Charlotte, she waves at me and I go sit with her.
But she's sitting with some other guy. He has curly brown hair and brown eyes.
Charlotte: Finally, you made it Y/n. I want to introduce you to someone. This here is one of my best friends Jasper.
Jasper: Hi .
Me: Hi.
Charlotte: And Jasper, this here is Y/n.
Jasper: Nice to meet you Y/n.
Me : Thanks.

Later on, Henry walks in and takes a sit on our table.
Charlotte:.Y/n, this here is...
Me: Henry?
Charlotte: Yeah, how'd you know that?
Henry: We met earlier today.
Charlotte: Oh, then I guess there's no need for introductions then.
Me: Yeah, I guess so.

Henry and I stare into each other's eyes for a while, I don't know why, but he looks familiar.

Me: Hey, Henry have we met before?
Henry : No, why?
Me: I don't know, you look familiar. Anyway, maybe it's just nothing.

Henry's pov
Thank goodness, she doesn't recognize me. I can't risk anyone finding out about me being Kid Danger and Ray Captain Man. But it was nice seeing her again. Maybe Ray and Charlotte were right, maybe it is fate.

Your pov
I still can't figure out why he looks so familiar. Maybe I should just forget about it. Anyways, today's first day of school was great and I even made some new friends and one of them happens to be cute. Today was a pretty amazing first day.

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